[fic] Tokyo (one-shot)

May 24, 2009 12:03

Title: Tokyo
Pairing: RyoxKame and implied JinxKame *think what you like about their relationship ne? lol ♥*
Rating: PG
Genre: Romance
Summary: I think i'm losing weight again, I think i'm losing taste again, I think i broke my heart again, Will you stay with me, will you stay with me...
Word Count: 6, 424
Disclaimer: I don't think I own them
Beta: piperr0919 thank you dearie ♥
A/N: This fic is for
peace_l0v3 for giving me the inspiration for a Ryokame oneshot *hugs you* and this is also inspired by 'Tokyo' sung by Nell. Heheh actually I have my own playlist when I wrote this but lol I couldn't list them all here ♥

“Jin…” Ryo’s voice trailed off when he saw the only person left in the KAT-TUN dressing room. The usual grin on his face left him and was replaced by a frown.

“Where’s Jin?”

The person in the room raised his head and Ryo stared in mild shock. He knew that Kazuya was a thin boy but… this was beyond thin. The boy in front of him gave him a tired smile.

“Jin? He’s already left with the others.”

Ryo’s frowned turned deeper. “And why are you still here? I heard from Pi that you and him were having 3 days off. Shouldn’t you be hanging around with your band mates?”

Kazuya was silent and Ryo rolled his eyes. Though he was one of Jin’s good friends, he really thought that the way Jin was acting right now towards the younger one was downright childish.

“Bakazuya, stop moping around and pack your bags,” he told the other firmly, whilst the other blinked at him in confusion. Feeling slightly irritated, he marched towards the other, took the other’s small wrist and pulled the thin figure off the couch up before dragging him out from the room.

“Uh… where are we going?”

Ryo smirked, “To the most unforgettable vacation you will ever have.”

Kazuya blinked again and again, before breaking into a small smile. “It’d better be.”

He scoffed, “Hey… this is Nishikido Ryo you’re talking about.”

And for the first time ever for the past few months, Kazuya’s cheery laughter filled the room and Ryo couldn’t help but smile when he heard it.

Both of them were sitting on a train, heading towards Osaka. Ryo stole a glance at Kazuya, who was sitting beside him, making himself busy with his phone.

“Where’s Kazuya?”

The boy beside him stopped playing with his phone and turned to look at him quizzically.


“Where’s Kazuya?”

“What the hell are you talking about?” Kazuya furrowed his brows with an expression of ‘are-you-crazy’ plastered on his face.

“Ah… there you are,” Ryo said simply.


Ryo smirked at the tone Kazuya was using. He liked it. He liked getting on people’s nerves and getting a reaction from it.

“You’re crazy.”

“You’re talking with a senior you know. That’s rude.”

Kazuya scoffed, “And says you the rude person who keeps on picking on Tacchan,” the younger boy countered back then narrowing his eyes, “What are you smirking about?”

Ryo shrugged, putting on his iPod and closing his eyes. “Nothing,” he answered curtly and he heard the other murmuring in irritation beside him. Ryo could feel his smirk widen.


“Is this your idea of having fun?” Kazuya stared at the older man beside him in boredom.

“Hey, it’s fun,” the other replied, flashing him a big grin.

Both of them were sitting at a pier, fishing, and Kazuya wasn’t sure if there would be fish during cold seasons like these. He felt cold… and tired… Ryo the dumb had dragged him out from his warm bed to do this? Even papa and older brother Nishikido had been staring at them like they were crazy when they stood at the door, with Ryo announcing that they were going fishing.

“I really wonder who’s the crazy person who said that fishing in this cold season was fun…” he muttered under his breath, sighing softly, somehow regretting his decision on following the older man.

“Ah!” Ryo suddenly shouted and he jumped slightly in shock.

“I caught one!” Ryo turned to him with an excited look. “And it’s a big one!”


He immediately helped the other pull up the rod and when what had been caught came to the view, both of them were silent. Kazuya bit his lip.

“A big one?” he gave the other a glance and he could see the older man blush slightly.

Kazuya smiled in amusement. “A big one, Nishikido Ryo?”

Ryo shot him a glare, “Shut up.”

With that he burst out in a loud laughter. “Uwa… it’s really a big one… a big boot…” Kazuya continued to laugh his heart out and he missed the warm smile on the other’s face.

Kazuya stared at his phone, wishing someone would call him and ask about how he was… especially the other. He sighed softly.

“He’s mad at you… why would he call you?” he muttered to himself when he felt a hand nudge him on the head.

“Hey…” he turned irritated, knowing very well who it was.

“Stop staring at the phone like an idiot, just call him,” Ryo told him and took a seat by his side. They were sitting on a bench outside the latter’s house.

Kazuya looked down at his hands, “I don’t think he wants to talk to me.”

The older man rolled his eyes, “You know, I noticed that you never had any problems talking about your thoughts or feelings to anyone but when it comes to Jin… you turn out like this, scared and an idiot.”

“I am an idiot…”

“You are.”

“Hey-…” he said in irritation, only to be cut by Ryo.

“So stop being an idiot and call him. Tell him how you feel and don’t let that Bakanishi throw you around.”

Kazuya gazed at the expression on the other’s face and without knowing, his tears started to fall. He had kept all his feelings bottled up in his chest and he scolded himself for not being a little bit strong. It was a stupid move to cry in front of Ryo… the snarky man that always picked on people.

But he didn’t expect that the other man would pull him in an embrace and pat his head gently.

“Just cry… it’ll be our little secret…”

He didn’t know why he had trusted the older man but he did. Kazuya tightened his hold onto the other’s jacket and muffled his sobs against the other’s chest whilst in his head, he kept on saying that this was wrong…

It was wrong…

“Couldn’t you get any weirder looking?”

Kazuya glared at Ryo, who was sitting in front of him, a huge mocking grin adorned on his face.

“Nii-chan, that is rude,” Ryo’s youngest sister furrowed her brows at her brother, then flashed him an apologetic smile. “I’m really sorry Kamenashi-kun, my brother can be difficult sometimes but he actually has a big heart.”

“Hey…” Ryo gave his sister a hard nudge but she just giggled cutely. “He’s just shy.”


Kazuya couldn’t help but smile and joined in teasing the older man, when Ryo’s phone rings.

“Hello? Ah… Uchi-…”

Kazuya watched the other excuse himself from the dining table and walk away. Ryo was talking and smiling happily at the phone and somehow, he couldn’t help but feel something in his chest.


“Ah… yes,” he immediately turned to the girl at the table, his face feeling slightly hot, thinking that Ryo’s sister had caught him staring.

“You have nothing to do today do you?”

He nodded his head slowly and she gave a loud squeal. “Good! Can you go with me to buy groceries?”

He thought for a while and after a lot of contemplating in his head, he gave her a firm nod, beaming widely.

“Hey, who gave you the rights to ask him to follow you to buy groceries?”

“But…” Ryo’s sister pouted cutely and Kazuya chuckled at the sight of it.

“It’s okay Ryo… it’s my last day here, I don’t think I want to waste my precious holiday with your boring plans,” Kazuya said, in between laughter.

“It’s not boring, only weird guys like you wouldn’t know.” the older man protested.

“My brother is like an old man, having weird hobbies,” Ryo’s sister added, and Kazuya couldn’t stop laughing at Ryo’s dumbfounded expression.

He felt happy… genuinely happy… and he somehow didn’t want this to end…


“I’m home,” Ryo greeted, as he took of his shoes at the doorway and he could hear the loud commotion in the kitchen.

When he reached the said room, he bit his lower lip, suppressing a smile. In the kitchen was his mother, sister and Kazuya, all clad in aprons. Kazuya even had his hair tied up just like ‘Shuuji’ in Nobuta.

“You are really good at cooking, Kazu-chan.”

Kazu-chan? Since when did his mother called the other Kazu-chan?

“We only have boys in the house, and I’m always the one who helps her in the kitchen.”

“Kazu-nii can you take some vegetables from the fridge?”

He watched the younger man make a move towards the fridge, opening it and poking his head in.

“What kind of vegetable?”

Ryo walked into the kitchen, gesturing to his mother and sister to keep quiet as he made his way towards the fridge. He heard Kazuya ask the same question again to his sister but this time he was the one who answered it.

“I think I want tomatoes for tonight’s dinner.”

He could see Kazuya flinch slightly and slowly lift his head to look at him. Ryo flashed him a wide grin.

“Didn’t you hear me? I said tomatoes.” He repeated as his smirk widened.

Kazuya gave him a pleading look and although he hated to admit it, the younger one really looked adorable looking like that but yeah, admitting it to yourself did not mean that you needed to say it out loud did it?

“Nii-chan… you’re drooling.”

In reflex, he wiped the corner of his mouth and when he heard the sound of his sister laughing, he knew that it was just a trick. He gave his sister a menacing look.

“You just wait…” he said coldly, narrowing his eyes but his sister just continued to laugh and before he knew it, Kazuya was laughing too.

“I never knew that the snarky Ryo could be so tame at home,” the other commented and Ryo was about to reply back when he saw the wide happy smile on the other’s face.

Ryo just scoffed and turned around, walking out from the room, ignoring Kazuya and his sister’s teasing remarks. He wouldn’t mind being ridiculed like that for a while, so long as he could see that smile again. Ryo sighed softly.

“Pi… I hope that everything will turn out fine…” he murmured to himself, hoping that Pi’s job to get some sense into their idiot friend’s head, would turn out okay. Somehow, he feels strange… and it always happens when Kazuya smiled that bright smile of his.

Ryo bit his lip… he didn’t like it a bit…

Kazuya flashed him a wide smile, “Thank you…”

“I told you that it would be the best vacation you’d ever have,” he said shrugging nonchalantly but he just couldn’t stop the proud grin from emerging on his face.

“Well, your plans were boring though, I liked hanging out with your mom, sister, brother-…”

“Shut up,” Ryo growled and that madethe younger one laugh. He could feel his heart skip a beat by the sound of it and he knew that he liked to hear it.

“Though I know that this is bad to your already enormous ego but I think you do deserve a compliment too. I like hanging out with you, it reminded me of our younger times.”

“Ah… the weird-looking-Kamenashi Kazuya-phase, the good old days…” Ryo smirked when he saw the frown on Kazuya’s face.

“I don’t want to reply anything because I know that it won’t end,” Kazuya said solemnly.

“Admit defeat?”

Kazuya narrowed his eyes and made a face, shaking his head, making a gesture of zipping his mouth. Ryo couldn’t help but chuckle and sigh, declaring that he had won, that he will win in everything just because he was Nishikido Ryo.

“You’re childishly adorable…” Kazuya’s sudden compliment rendered him speechless and before he could even open his mouth to retort back, the younger one had hugged him tightly, whispering a ‘thank you’ and left, calling out for a taxi.

And before he entered the taxi, Kazuya turned to him and beamed brightly, “I win!”

Ryo rolled his eyes, but a smile had already made way to his face. “You’re cheating.”

“I think you could do better than that,” Kazuya smiled sweetly and waved, “Bye… bye…”

He gave the other a slight wave and when the taxi was already out of his sight, his smile left his face. Somehow, when Kazuya had told him goodbye… it really sounded like a goodbye… like this was the end…

Ryo held the t-shirt tight in his hand. When he was unpacking his things that morning, he realized that Kazuya’s t-shirt was among his.
‘You just want to give him back the t-shirt and not purposely meeting him,’ he kept on repeating them in his head as he walked towards the KAT-TUN dressing room, feeling more and more nervous as he got closer and closer to the said room.

As he stood in front of the door to the other room, he took a breath trying to calm himself down, though he himself was not sure why he was nervous. But when he remembered the other’s smiles he started to get nervous again. Ryo placed his palm onto the door and pushed slightly when his eyes caught something.

Kazuya was sitting on the couch, the same couch he saw the younger one on the other night. But the difference was, Kazuya wasn’t alone. Jin was there, hugging the smaller figure on the couch and he could hear the soft sobs.

Ryo took a step back and he knew that he should be happy that his plan and Pi’s had worked out. They had gotten Jin and Kazuya to make up but he didn’t know why he just couldn’t smile…

“Ryo… what are you doing standing there?”

He glanced to his side and forced out a smile. Pi was smiling brightly at him.

“It worked out didn’t it?” Pi asked and he just nodded his head.

“Let’s celebrate!” Pi announced suddenly, pulling him into the room and he was face to face with a tear-strickened Kazuya… a happy tear-strickened Kazuya.

“Ryo…” he heard the younger one’s voice and he immediately shoved the t-shirt into the other’s face.

“Ah… I’ve been searching for it.”

“It got mixed up in my bag,” he informed and couldn’t help but to feel dazzled by the younger one’s smile.

“Eh? How did it get into your bag?” Jin asked, raising a questioning brow.

Before he could answer the question, Kazuya had helped him answer with a wide excited smile on his face. He kept on wondering why he just couldn’t smile… then he realized that he wanted the other to look at him like that… to smile at him like that and not Jin.

“I think I need to go, got some work to do…” Ryo excused himself and as the door closed with a dull thud behind him, and as Kazuya’s happy voice got further and further behind… his head kept on saying…

This is the end…


Kazuya bit his lower lip thoughtfully. It had been a week since those 3 days he had spent with Ryo, and since that day when Ryo gave him back his t-shirt, he didn’t see the other anymore. It was as if the older man was avoiding him. But why would Ryo avoid him?

He gave out a tired sigh and glanced up when his legs stopped abruptly. There was the man that he had been looking for, standing ahead of him at the vending machine. His face immediately broke into a huge smile.

“Yo!” He greeted and the said man turned to him, expressionless.

“Where have you been all this while?”

“Do you need anything from me?” the dark haired man asked simply, taking the can of coffee from the machine.


Kazuya could feel the smile on his face falter. “No…” he shook his head and continued, “It’s just that I think maybe we could hang out-…”

A scoffed, “Are we friends?”

He blinked at the cold tone Ryo was using. “I-…” he started, only to be cut off by the other.

“Those 3 days of hanging out together doesn’t mean that we are friends Kamenashi.”


“If I told you that I did all of that out of pity would you stop looking out for me?” Ryo asked, looking very much annoyed.

Kazuya blinked at the harsh tone, and when he felt the tears threatening to spill out from his eyes, he immediately gave a deep bow murmuring, “I’m sorry”. He quickly walked away from the other, feeling very much confused and hurt.

“What an ass…” he muttered softly, wiping the tears away, feeling slightly angry at himself for actually liking the other.

“Stupid Ryo…”

After that day, Kazuya didn’t try to find the other man again; he even ignored the other’s presence every time Ryo came into their dressing room. And it continued until the time they finally debuted as a whole band and when Jin suddenly announced that he was going to LA to study English.

That’s what he said but Kazuya knew perfectly well the reason, why the older man had decided to be on a hiatus even though they were on the top peak of their popularity.

“Are you going to miss me Kazu-chan?” Jin had asked him that night before his departure on the phone.

He smiled at Jin’s childish tone and sighed, “Do you really have to go?”

“I have too…”

“You know, I somehow think that ‘learning English’ is not the only reason why you are leaving.”

Although he couldn’t see the other, Kazuya knew that Jin was smiling now. “How did you know?”

He lay down on his bed smiling too, “I know you too well… you can’t fool me.”

A sigh was heard at the other end, “I need to get away from all of these, everything just overwhelmed me and I couldn’t breathe… I’m not like you Kazuya…”

“Just hurry home okay?” he whispered in the phone, “I don’t know how we will go on without you… I don’t know if I could go on if there is no you around…”

“I will hurry home,” he could almost see the sweet smile on the other’s face. “And the others are still there with you; I’ll even lend you my good friends Pi and Ryo.”

His smile faded when Jin mentioned Ryo’s name. “I don’t think one of your good friends likeme.”

“You mean Ryo?”


“It’s obvious that both of you avoid looking at each other though I’m not really sure why, because Ryo totally dotes on you.”

“Yeah, right.” He scoffed, remembering the time when Ryo brushed him off.

“Give him a chance.”

“Why would I?”

“Because I said so,” Jin retorted.

“That is not a reason Akanishi Jin.” Kazuya countered back in annoyance, and somehow it made the other man at the other end of the line chuckle heartily.

“Ah… I really am going to miss you so bad…” Jin whispered wistfully.

Kazuya smiled. “That’s why you have to hurry home…”

“I will…”

This was definitely not happening… he thought to himself as he gave a covert glance at the other person beside him. It had been a very nice outing with his band mates and Pi but he had never expected that Ryo would be there too.

“Why are you here?”

“Pi forced me too,” the older man replied whilst sipping his drink.

Okay… well that could be a reason but… “Why are you sitting so close to me?”

Ryo turned to him giving him a strange look. “I’ve heard about you being an airhead but I didn’t expect that it was true. Can’t you look around?”
Kazuya blinked and looked around him before clearing his throat in embarrassment. “Sorry…” his face felt warm as he quickly turned back to his drink, drinking silently.

It was an awkward silence although both of them were in a noisy restaurant with their other friends drinking and enjoying themselves. Kazuya downed all the beer in one gulp and frowned slightly, hating his situation right now.

“You don’t like me that much do you?”

He sighed tiredly. He really wondered why the other had acted so nice to him just to throw him away the next day. It hurt and he could still feel the slight throbbing in his chest, but he was grateful that Ryo was true to his words, he had never told anyone about him crying that night.

“I don’t like you… but I don’t hate you.”

He smiled slightly at the declaration. “I’m glad to hear that… because I don’t think I could handle it if you hated me…”

And Kazuya cursed inwardly when he realized tears had already fallen from his eyes. He quickly wiped them away feeling like an idiot for crying for the second time in front of the other, the other who didn’t even like him.

“Shit… stop crying,” he heard the other say in a hushed whisper.

“It’s your entire fault, you stupid man!” he exclaimed angrily a little bit drunk, and that attracted their friends’ attention.

“Ryo what did you do?” Pi’s voice sounded so menacing, but all he could do at the moment was grip at someone’s t-shirt and cry hysterically. He felt arms wrapped around his shoulder and a sigh.

“I’ll take him home…”


Ryo threw the other on the bed and sighed loudly, “You’re heavy for a skinny guy.”

The other man on the bed kept on sniffling softly and he could clearly see the tears streaked on the younger man’s face. He walked into the bathroom and took a small towel, then soaked it in warm water before wiping the other’s face with it.

“Do you really miss him that much?” he asked softly, while Kazuya kept on gazing at him with tear glazed eyes.

“I missed you…” Kazuya murmured softly and Ryo sighed.

“I know… I missed you too,” he told the other earnestly though he clearly knew who Kazuya was seeing right now in his place.

“You should have told him not to go, you dumb head,” he scolded the younger one softly and in the process, he could feel his heart aching.

“Why did you go?” Ryo wiped the tears that had spilled from those clear brown eyes.

“Could you stop asking me questions? I’m not Jin,” he replied angrily.

“I really like you… why are you pushing me away?”

“I’m not Jin damn it…” he closed his eyes trying to blink back the tears and he could feel his heart break into a million pieces.

“Nishikido!” Ryo stopped in his tracks and turned slowly towards the voice.

Kazuya was walking towards him with a smile on his face and Ryo fidgeted slightly, trying to keep his cool. What did the other want now?

“Thank you for taking me home last night,” Kazuya gave him a deep bow, a thankful smile on his face and he really wanted to reach towards the other and caress the other’s skin.

“I’m sorry if I did or say something stupid,” an embarrassed smile graced the younger one’s face, “I’m a bad drunk.”

“Okay… next time just don’t bother to invite me to your drinking party. It’s a nuisance.”

Ryo clenched his fist when he saw the hurt look on Kazuya’s face but then the other tried to cover it up with a smile, though he already could see through it. “I’m sorry…”

He watched the other walked away from him and the only thing he wanted to do right now was to catch up with him and hold the other tight, whispering in assurance that if he had chosen him he would not ever let go. Not like Jin. But his feet were just rooted to the spot and he felt useless.

You’re useless Ryo… all you do is to make the person that you care about cry.

Ryo packed his things slowly into his bag as his band mates walked out from the room one by one. He could hear Pi shouting about having a date in the background and will go to Ryo’s apartment later. He noticed someone had left a pair of glasses on the table and by the looks of it, he knew that it was Tegoshi’s.

Someone opened the door and expecting it was Tegoshi, he smiled slightly turning around,

“Tego-nyan how you could be so forge-…”

“I’m not Tegoshi…”

Ryo stared at the person at the door in mild shock before replacing is with a frown.

“What are you doing here?”

“I want to talk to you,” the one at the door replied stubbornly and Ryo couldn’t help but smile at the sight of the other’s stubborn expression. He had always liked it, it really made the owner of the face look adorable and no, he’s not going to admit it out loud.

“What is it?” he put on a straight face. “You know that I don’t like you.”

“I demand for a reason.”

Ryo raised a brow, “A reason for what?”

“Why you don’t like me,” Kazuya furrowed his brows and continued, “I don’t know what I did to deserve your cold shoulder.”

He groaned softly in frustration. He knew that Kazuya could sometimes be difficult but he didn’t expect him to be this difficult. He had brushed the other off 2 times already and other people would have decided to hate him or not care about it anymore but… he clicked his tongue in irritation though deep in his heart, he really felt happy about it.

“You irritate me… does that need any reason?”

“That is not a reason,” Kazuya retorted stubbornly.

“What about, I don’t like your face.”

He could see the stubborn look falter slightly and Ryo wished that he could take it back. But we can never take back words no matter how hurtful they were. That’s why people said, think before you speak but in Ryo’s condition, it had always been speak first then think.

“I’m sorry that you don’t like how I look like…it’s something I can’t change. You should have told me that earlier.”
Ryo could only look, as the person at the door turned away and opened the door. How did it all turn to this? They could be friends and he had ruined it all. But he didn’t want to be ‘Just Friends’. He wanted to be more but it was impossible.

He was too deep in his thoughts to realize that the other didn’t even leave the room and it was Kazuya’s voice that brought him back to reality.

“I know that you would not care but I really wanted to say that, I really like you and…” Kazuya wiped away his tears and smiled, “I would not forget those 3 days with you though you said you did all of that because you pitied me. I was really happy back then.”

Ryo gazed at the lonesome figure and felt like an idiot. Before, he had given Jin a piece of mind for acting cold towards the other and here he was, doing the same thing too. The younger one turned away and this time he could not just stand and stare. Instinctively he strode towards Kazuya and caught the other’s wrist, turning the other to him.

“Don’t look at me… I looked uglier when I cry.”

He cupped Kazuya’s face firmly between his palms. “You’re not ugly; I only don’t like your face.”

“What’s the difference…?” Kazuya sniffled.

“There is. I don’t kiss ugly people.”


“You’re difficult, but that’s what I like about you…” and before Kazuya could even reply to that, he leaned in for a kiss. He closed his eyes when he felt the timid response the other gave him. He didn’t care for anything now. He didn’t care about Jin or his friends or even Kazuya’s real feelings. All he could think of right now was kissing the other, pouring all his feelings into the kiss.

Maybe, this was love…


Ryo opened his eyes and sighed softly in contentment when his eyes caught the other’s face beside him on the bed. He chuckled softly when he saw the tiny trail of drool at the corner of the other’s mouth. Nobody would have expected that the idol, Kamenashi Kazuya, drooled in his sleep, though he really thought that it made the younger one more adorable, especially when he absently wiped them and rubbed his face sleepily against the pillow just like a kitten.

He was in love… falling head over heels in love… but he knew that this was wrong… though he wasn’t sure about Jin and Kazuya’s relationship, he somehow felt like he was intruding into their world, that he was the odd one out, that when Jin finally comes home, Kazuya would leave him for the other.

“Good morning…” Kazuya’s raspy morning voice broke him out of his thoughts. The younger man was smiling at him warmly, reaching out to rub the creases on his forehead.

“What’s making you frown like that in a morning like this?”

“I’m thinking about what you’re going to burn for breakfast today.”

“Hey…” Kazuya pouted and Ryo grinned at the sight. “I can cook very well and that was just one time… it’s your fault for distracting me.”

“Well, it’s your fault for walking around in the apartment, with nothing on but only my shirt.”

Kazuya made a face and sat up, taking a t-shirt from the floor and putting it on. Ryo watched the other putting on clothes and bit back his words when he saw that Kazuya had accidentally put on his boxers. They have been in this kind of relationship for almost 5 months now and he loved every moment of it.

“Eh?” Kazuya frowned as he stood up. “Why does this boxers feel tighter than usual?”

Ryo propped himself up on his elbows, smiling widely, “You’re wearing mine and of course it’s tighter,” he eyed the other’s behind and Kazuya blushed at the comment.

“Shut up… don’t say anything about it… I’m making breakfast.”

Ryo chuckled softly, lying back on the bed and closed his eyes. He loved this all too much and somehow, he wished that Jin wouldn’t come home and take the other away from him.

But wishes would only stay as wishes…

“Why is it that hard to contact you?” Pi asked tiredly at the other end of the line.

“I’ve been busy lately…”

“Ah… the mysterious girlfriend that we never get to see,” he could hear the teasing tone in his friend’s voice. And the thought of Pi not knowing always made him guilty. Actually, nobody knew about him and Kazuya, and he had adamantly insisted that it should be kept a secret and Kazuya just said yes to it.

“You’re really in love aren’t you?” Pi teased again and he smiled.

“I’m so in love that it scares me…” he said earnestly and he could sense that Pi was smiling warmly at it. He really wondered how would Pi react if he knew who the supposed ‘girlfriend’ was. Would he call him a betrayer for taking away Jin’s precious person?

“I really want to see this girlfriend of yours that made my snarky evil best friend go all soft.”

“Shut up,” Ryo growled softly and Pi cackled in amusement.

He sighed and asked, “Are you calling me just to nag and laugh at me?”

Pi cleared his throat and stopped laughing, though he knew that the other was still grinning like mad at the other end. “I’m just wanted to tell you that Jin is coming home…”

Ryo could feel his heart stop at the mention of it. “What?”

“Jin’s coming home… he’ll be coming home next week, and don’t tell Kazu-chan about it. Jin wanted it to be a surprise.”

He knew that Pi was telling him more about it but all he could hear of was ‘Jin’s coming home… Jin’s coming home… and he’s going to take Kazuya away from you…’


Kazuya frowned and pushed the cancel button forcefully in irritation. He had been trying to call Ryo since that morning and it was either he couldn’t reach the other or he didn’t pick up the phone. Kazuya was sure that Ryo’s phone would be full of his name in the missed call list, but Ryo didn’t even bother to call back. It irked him and made him slightly worried.

“You’re looking like you want to kill your phone,” Yuichi commented, sitting next to him.

“I wanted to kill the person that I’ve been calling this whole time,” he muttered angrily.

“That person didn’t pick up his phone?”

Kazuya pouted slightly, nodding his head. “Aw… you can cry on my shoulder if you want to.”

“I’m not a baby.”

“But you’ll always be the baby of the group and I’ll always be the papa of the group.”

“And Tacchan is the mama of the group?” Kazuya asked mischievously and grinned when he saw the blush adorn on Yuichi’s face.

“Who are you calling mama?”

Kazuya just beamed at the U of the band and then laughed at the N for acting so flustered when Tacchan flashed back a smile.

“And oh Kazu-chan, tonight let’s have dinner together,” Tatsuya informed him.

“Only me, you and the band?” he asked back and Tatsuya nodded his head.

Kazuya looked around him. ‘Only me, you and the band’ huh? It seemed like everyone was here, Pi and his group, Yokoyama and his group and even a few juniors, but the only person he wanted to see right now wasn’t around. It was strange that when he asked Pi and Kanjani8 about Ryo whereabouts, they just shrugged and said that they didn’t see him the whole day.

“Aren’t they worried that they’re friend’s missing?” he asked, feeling worried himself.

He sighed twirling his glass absently when he heard a commotion behind him. Furrowing his brows, he turned behind him and he could feel his heart start to beat furiously in his chest. Jin was standing right behind him; hair dark and long and he looked a little bit tanner too from the last time he had met the other. The taller man gave him a lopsided grin and said,

“I’m home…”

His face broke into a huge smile though he knew that he was already crying. He had never expected that Jin would come home this early.

“Are you just going to stand there and stare like an idiot or give me a big hug?”

He immediately hugged the other tightly, crying happily, and in the process, he could see his friends’ happy faces too but one face made his heart stop. Ryo was standing at the corner of the room flashing him a big smile and before he could call the other, Ryo had already left the room.

When they finally broke the embrace, Jin ruffled his hair affectionately. “I have a lot of things to tell you.”

Somehow, he got to know why Ryo had been acting so cold to him before and he couldn’t help but laugh at the revelation. He glanced up to look at Jin and smiled gently.

“Can we talk later? I had something to take care of.”

Jin just flashed him a knowing smile. “You go out there and hit that stupid friend of mine’s head; he’s been spouting nonsense in the car when we drove here.” Jin whispered and kissed his cheek softly, and the gesture received cheers from their spectators.

“Wish me luck guys!” he shouted giddily as he walked towards the room’s entrance and when the door closed behind him, he could hear his friends shouting in disbelief, and Pi was the loudest.

“What are you doing here?”

Kazuya glanced up from where he was sitting and smiled at the person who was standing in front of him.

“To see you,” he simply replied, standing up and Ryo sighed loudly.

“I don’t want to see you anymore.”

The acting cool Ryo… Kazuya couldn’t help but smile at the defiant look on the other’s face. “But I want to see you, I want to kiss you senseless and tell you that you have taken my heart and never gave it back.”


“Me and Jin are not seeing each other like the way we see each other.”

“What do you mean?” Ryo furrowed his brows.

“I’m not in love with Jin. I’m in love with you…” Kazuya could feel himself blush at the declaration. He had never done things like this before but screw pride. This was what you have to do if you had a stupid insecure boyfriend that liked to jump into conclusions.


“Can you just stop asking those questions and kiss me?” Kazuya looked at the man in front of him almost pleadingly.

Ryo scoffed softly and looked to his side, and Kazuya could hear the ticking sound in his ear and he was nervous, nervous like hell. The older man finally turned to look at him, jaws clenched.

“So…?” Kazuya blinked nervously.

Ryo moved towards him and he couldn’t even react when the other swooped down and claimed his lips in a searing kiss. Kazuya panted softly when they broke the kiss, staring into the other’s dark eyes.

“Don’t blame me if you can’t walk tomorrow.”

Kazuya chuckled softly. “We’ll see about that.”

“I’ll mark your words,” Ryo whispered and kissed him again, pushing him into the apartment. Kazuya smiled into the kiss, feeling contented and happy.


“You make him cry, I’ll break you into tiny pieces.”

Ryo turned to his friend beside him. Jin raised a brow and sipped down his drink.

“Too bad you won’t have the opportunity to break me into tiny pieces,” he replied and continued, “Because I won’t make him cry.”

Jin smiled at the promise. “You know that he is a crybaby don’t you?”

“Tell me about it,” Ryo muttered, smiling slightly as the image of Kazuya crying and with a runny nose after watching a sad movie last night came into mind.

“Take good care of him okay?”

“I will… don’t worry…” Ryo whispered earnestly and he could hear Jin sigh softly.

“Thank you…”

“Don’t mention it,” Ryo grinned at his friend and sipped down his drink. He knew that he should have asked about Jin’s feelings towards Kazuya but he decided not to. Kazuya had chosen him so he’s okay with it. Knowing that Kazuya loved him was enough.

And when he saw Kazuya smile that bright smile of his, he felt that everything was okay…


A/N: Hehehe so hope that you like it. and as I'd wrote above, about Jin and Kame's relationship. You all can think what you like. heheh even me and my beta had different opinions about it. so I like to hear what you all think about it.

and as always comments are ♥ *huggles*

oneshot, ryoxkame

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