A gent by the name of Benjamin Franklin once said, "Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."
And with that being said, check out the latest installment of
Random Fandom where host Drew Taylor and I discuss Marvel's the Civil War and why it failed
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Comments 5
"Those who would sacrifice liberty in the name of security, neither deserve, nor will they receive, either."
It's bad writing and one instance where what could have been both epic storylines and ultimately a truly awesome story turned into the first instance that I remember of "Fuck you Fans, we're better fans and we're writing this so STFU."
If you have I'm interested in hearing your opinion of it.
If you haven't I totally recommended it. If you need something thats truly romantic and a comedy, watch it. Jim Carrey and Ewan Mcgregor are awesome and so adorable in it.
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