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Comments 7

mroctober September 6 2012, 12:05:10 UTC
The gun is inane, stupid looking, and racist.


boston_pobble September 6 2012, 12:05:39 UTC
First, I always feel a little...trollish? lurkish? amateur (ish)?...when I comment on comic posts because you know I don't read them. BUT! I'm gonna anyway on this one...

1. WTF *flail* WTFF?????
2. My first thought was "why does he look like he's mugging me?"
3. My second thought was "but why does he need a gun in the first place?" He has the ring thingy.
4. When the lady who doesn't read comic books knows your character better than you do, you done fucked up.


(The comment has been removed)

boston_pobble September 6 2012, 15:48:43 UTC
I like it, and I'll take it. Thanks! :)


neurotic_rat September 6 2012, 14:56:05 UTC
The cover itself and how they designed the character was already a huge, dead giveaway that this comic was going to be racist and stereotypical as hell. Ski mask, gun and Arabic tattoo? Yeah, that is SUCH a 'positive' representation of a Middle Eastern-American! *facepalms*


kittenmommy September 6 2012, 17:59:31 UTC

I guess I didn't really notice the ski mask and gun; most superheros wear masks of some kind, so my brain kind of "skipped over" it. And the gun... I guess it should have occurred to me that Green Lantern doesn't need a gun. So yeah, FAIL on my part.

And the tattoo? OMG.


underlankers September 6 2012, 20:21:00 UTC
First good chance to use my new icon, and rightfully so. Seriously, these people do this deliberately. Anyone who doubts this at this point is in the "none so blind as those will not see" category.


jeliza September 7 2012, 02:26:19 UTC
Damnit. Having only heard it mentioned I was all excited. Guess it's a good thing I hadn't told the comic shop to add it to my box yet.


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