When I had scads of free time, I couldn't buckle down and make myself write. In addition to providing income, a dayjob gave me structure, and gave real value to the substantially less free time that I did have, so that if I chose to use it to write, I had to *really* write, and not just f*** around on the internet =)
Not a 9-5 gig in sight yet. What am I doing in the mean time? Commissions. As in freelance illustrator work. Clearly the person who inspired this character isn't desperate to keep above water.
Comments 3
When I had scads of free time, I couldn't buckle down and make myself write. In addition to providing income, a dayjob gave me structure, and gave real value to the substantially less free time that I did have, so that if I chose to use it to write, I had to *really* write, and not just f*** around on the internet =)
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