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Comments 7

myrrhmade May 22 2012, 19:03:44 UTC
Great article. See and now my minds goes to the overwhelming intersectionality of this. Misogyny, racism, trans & homo phobias... somehow the white media feels entitled to be all up in WOC's panties. I mean even Rhianna get the "slut shame" thing right now. Thank You for posting this, more folks need to step up like Mr. Simmons did as well. Damn. 


neo_prodigy May 26 2012, 00:05:04 UTC
You know between Rhianna and Trayvon Martin, Mr. Simmons has been on point like nobody's business.


myrrhmade May 26 2012, 00:26:31 UTC
I think he's the bee's knees tbh.


underlankers May 22 2012, 21:52:48 UTC
I think that Raven has the right idea. Her business is her business, and speaking just for me, I really am not interested in the personal lives of famous people, it seems both voyeuristic and somewhat like collective stalking at its worst extremes.


leoprincess May 23 2012, 00:14:25 UTC
I agree that people's business, celebrity or not, remains THEIR business. I don't know where people get the idea that celebrities are not entitled to a private life. Just because plenty tweet their daily bowel movement, it doesn't mean that the lives of others are open for public scrutiny and water-cooler gossip.

And another thing - why is a young woman isn't frequently steaming up paps' lenses with some man/a string of men automatically labelled 'gay'? Whether she's gay, bi, straight, or just plain content with being by her lonesome as well as being a private person outside of work, gay rumours are sure to follow if she isn't publicly and heterosexually booed up (and even then...). So annoying.


neo_prodigy May 26 2012, 00:08:33 UTC
sadly queer men have that issue as well. if you don't have a woman (a beard) attached to your arm, people begin to speculate that you might be one of those ho-mo-sax-you-owls.


leoprincess May 26 2012, 04:00:42 UTC
;_; Too true. Prying. insistent folks like Perez Hilton don't help either, but that's a rant for another day.


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