
Nov 10, 2008 15:10

Who: Alucard, Nina - open to Johan
Where: Nina's bedroom
When: Late evening
Summary: It's time for the resident vampire to meet Johan's latest addition to the menagerie.
Rating: PG-13 to M.
Other: Alucard is creepy. Proceed with caution.

Open sesame, little angel. )

nina fortner, alucard

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Comments 25

zrcadlit November 10 2008, 20:32:30 UTC
The nightmares were fading a little now. Nina still was having trouble really thinking, but she was no longer in the whirlpool of darkness she had been trapped in for hours (days? weeks?). So she reacted to the knock, grabbing the lamp on her bedside table with one hand. Anything in this place couldn't be trusted. She had to be cautious.

She didn't speak, just waiting for whoever was on the other side of the door to enter or leave.


bird_0f_hermes November 10 2008, 20:38:29 UTC
Alucard heard the sounds of the girl moving from the other side of the door, a slight smile touching her lips before she let it fade. It was time to test the waters. It was time to see what was so special about this pathetic, whimpering mass hiding away in her bedroom.

"Miss Nina?" She called quietly, sounding the part of the meek, timid child she made herself out to be. "Are you there?"


zrcadlit November 10 2008, 20:40:44 UTC
Nina was about to lift up the lamp and get ready to throw it when she heard the voice on the other side of the door and stopped dead, eyes wide.

That was a child's voice. Was the girl trapped here, then, like Nina? Surely a child couldn't be involved in the darkness of this place. If it was a child, then Nina had to defend her, get her out of the mansion.

"C-come in," she called in a voice that only trembled a little.


bird_0f_hermes November 10 2008, 21:59:03 UTC
Trembling. She was afraid. Frightened.

How unusual...

She slowly opened the door, quietly pushing it ajar just far enough to stick her head in and peer inside, face painted in an expression of coyness. "I didn't mean to startle you..."

The girl wasn't simply frightened - she was terrified. What, had Johan's charm failed to win over her trembling heart? No... no, that was hardly the case. It was more like...

Momentarily, her eyes widened.

And then again, they fell back into place, dashing towards the floor sheepishly; perhaps the girl had simply been startled by the sight of the lamp the other clung to in her hand like she were brandishing a weapon.

"Ah... is everything alright?"


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