
Oct 24, 2008 14:37

Who: Shikamaru, Hidan [OPEN]
Where: Probably first at their house before going out on the streets.
When: I dunno, probably around 1am.
Summary: It's two almost teenage boys who go out to smoke weed and have some alcohol or something...and beat people up?
Rating: R for Hidan I guess.
Other: Not really.

God! This was fucking annoying! That stupid dumbass cop cut off their connection to the net and Hidan was just looking up some random porno and satanic shit too (Even though truly he claims himself to be christian...or catholic...or something like that) but whatever, the point was that the cops ruined everything and the silver-haired man needed a break from all that crap, so when his bro was out doing his schooling, Hidan just snuck out of the window and went off into the level.

Sure, he should have been in school too, but he could care less for it. School was nothing but a pain in the fucking ass and if those teachers wanted to fail him then whatever...those damn hippie foster parents would give him nothing but a smack on the head and a lecture about how to be a good child. Kinda the same lecture all the time when he would beat up some shit-eating fuckface for shits and giggles, then getting arrested by the cops.

With a six-pack of beer and a little packet of weed Hidan checked his watch to see it was already about 1am. Fuck; He groaned and started to walk back home, entering the place like he exited it that afternoon.

shikamaru nara, open, hidan

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