We are not afraid; let the night come

Oct 18, 2009 15:48

Who: Hisashi Shimazu & Tetora Nishizono
Where: Shimazu's place
When: Crazy-backdating to October 4th
Summary: Hell if I know.
Rating: AS HIGH as it should need to go.

And it's like shitty Chinese take-out food, this thing. )

shimazu hisashi, tetora nishizono

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Comments 19

castrater October 18 2009, 08:03:47 UTC
Aah. How. How long had Shimazu been in the booze store now -- ? Twenty? Thirty minutes? If only he could remember Tetora favorite type of poison then the sooner he would be out of here. It was pretty boring flashing your fake ID in front of a old greasy store own that was fat and tight enough he looked like a pimple that was about to blow at anymore ( ... )


luc_xy October 18 2009, 08:13:33 UTC
Tetora had a mouthful ready for the guy who interrupted him, but the jangle in the voice made him stop. So this was the guy, he thought. Not very impressive. And not very tall, he noticed with a sort of stupid happiness; it's always cool being taller than someone.

"Bet you'd hate that, huh," he replied blithely, now, some of his frustration seeping out of him at the sight of the achohol bottles. Well okay, he doesn't really drink (it kicks off his meds in bad ways sometimes), but he's been breaking rules all his life, so why the hell not, tonight?


Sense of time is fucking up, too, isn't it? That little voice told him in the back of his head. Better watch that, Tetora, you might lose your head again.

"Not gonna happen," Tetora said, not aware of having voiced it out loud. "Did you even pay for that?"


castrater October 18 2009, 08:23:00 UTC
Wow. What a fucking riot this was. It was enough for Shimazu to let out one of those typical and utterly psychotic ’Hya ha ha’ laughs that eventually went swallowed up and buried deep down in his gut after it first escaped from his lips.

He nudged the door again with his elbow. And the lingering scent of rot hit him in the face like he was suffering from domestic fight and found the bridge of his nose colliding with a plate. But to the blonde, it. It was like perfume. And so he hummed, started to walk backwards into the apartment and slamming his hand onto the light switch - showing a somewhat dull and very empty apartment.

"Yea -- " Shimazu replied smoothly, "I’d cry if someone as sexy as you got raped so easily~" and with the end of his words cutting off into a sing-song mocking form, Shimazu scuttled to the kitchen, flipping the paper back over and letting the numerous glass bottles of, of what? (Lemon ruskis and mixed cocktails? Fucking children drinks, but enough to get wasted on ( ... )


luc_xy October 18 2009, 08:37:21 UTC
The smell hit Tetora differently, yes. It's not perfume - eau de toilette sounds a lot like "ew, the toilet" anyway, so what does that make eau de parfum - but after the intial feeling of wanting to dry-heave...

Something settled in his stomach. Like a worm that got kicked and squished and suddenly decided it was time to fake death, so it could die without any interruption. Which is a bit crazy, yeah, but hey. We're all mad here, as Lewis Carroll said.

Whoever he was.

"Don't you call me that shit," he replied, a lot more petulant than you'd think someone would. The place smelled like a nightmare, and felt like it too; the dry emptiness, the sordidly mundane feel to it, it all reeked of psycho serial killer to Tetora. He'd seen enough shows playing up the glamour of murder and death, and he found it funny in the same way people like watching car crashes, except without the gross sick feeling in the gut: basic entertainment, at its most natural ( ... )


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