[ thread ; closed ]

Jul 06, 2009 00:07

Who: Mason, Shilo, and the GraveRobber [later].
Where: The Abyss.
When: After this thread.
Summary: The meeting between a dead-man, drug-dealer, and scared shut-in.
Rating: R (Language).
Other: Mason swears a lot.

The Abyss has streets? )

shilo wallace, graverobber, mason

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Comments 27

wantsoutside July 6 2009, 17:31:46 UTC
The sound of the familiar voice with the distinct accent was enough to lure Shilo out of hiding. She had been crouching behind a trash can like she said she would, staying out of sight and out of danger. The stories about this place had been more than true. If only Shilo had had some prior knowledge of the city she lived in before running away from the safety of her room.

Shilo crept down the alley until she was as visible to Mason as he was to her and crossed her arms over her chest, giving him an incredulous stare dripping with teenage attitude.

"I'm not a dog." She said in her small voice. She probably looked even more frail in person than she had on the network. Apparently, the thought behind his lost dog act had escaped her innocent mind.


itsbritish July 6 2009, 17:44:19 UTC
"Right. More like a bird." Mason inwardly let out a sigh of relief that he found her before someone else did. Terrible things happened to girls and guys down here, if they didn't know how to protect themselves. And Shilo didn't seem like she quite knew how to look after herself, yet ( ... )


wantsoutside July 6 2009, 19:15:50 UTC
His appearance startled her. She wasn't sure if that was just the style or if he had been hurt somehow. He didn't look like he was in pain, in fact he looked kind of happy. She smiled softly and nodded to him while smoothing her skirt.

"It's nice to meet you, Mason. Um... th-thanks for coming." She had her head down but looked up at him shyly, wrinkling her nose at his vulgar statement.

The gift caught her off guard but she managed to catch the small piece of jewelry awkwardly. She examined it, turning it over in her hands as she took a few involuntary steps forward. Her smile widened when she realized what it was. A cameo, like the one her mother had.

"Thank you. It's beautiful." She turned her smile on him full force, no trace of shyness or caution now. One way to a girls heart is definitely through presents.


itsbritish July 6 2009, 19:29:03 UTC
"I do like it when a girl thanks me for coming." A flash of teeth as his smile broadened inappropriately, amused with his own crude joke. His head bobbed from side to side as he inwardly snickered to himself; trying to remember that he should write that one down for others to enjoy. "But, we should get out of here, 'cause this isn't any place for ya ( ... )


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