And all that nasty facial hair and yucky machismo~

Mar 23, 2009 04:23

Who: Deidara (tonguejob) and Hidan (holyish)
Where: Deidara's place, and around Terra
When: After curfew, Sunday night
Summary: Hidan has a gift for Deidara awwwwwwww and then there's a fight! And explosions!
Rating: R
Other: Because lesbians. Also, that's a pretty cool hat.

I wish I was a lesbian and not a hetero, I wouldn't have to deal with men and all their come and go )

deidara, hidan

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Comments 32

holyish March 23 2009, 11:48:53 UTC
With a disgruntled groan that bubbled from the base of his throat and emerged from his mouth, Hidan was once again walking down the streets of Terra. Yeah, all right, all these curfew let-goes were starting to be boring as fuck now. Just walking the streets and shit with nothing to do apart from the occasional punk to mutilate and shit.

So, yeah. He’d go visit Deidara. Oh yeah, Hidan bought that blonde faggot a new cell phone since Deidara lent his phone to Shikamaru. And yeah - it wasn’t like he was thankful, just that…well, yeah. Whatever, not like Deidara was going to keep his ugly ass in doors all the time.

Without knocking, Hidan opened the door and let himself in, all donned in his military gear and called out, "Oi! Princess! You home dipshit!?"


tonguejob March 23 2009, 11:59:51 UTC
Deidara half rolled out of bed when Hidan just entered, growling in annoyance. "Fuck, haven't you heard of knocking, asshole?" He snapped, flopping back in bed and glancing over at the albino.

Had to admit military gear was pretty cool. Especially the hat. Not that he'd tell Hidan that, the man would just find it gay.

"What do you want?" He asked a little crankily, not that he meant it. He was actually pretty pleased to see his friend.


holyish March 23 2009, 14:02:02 UTC
For a few moments, Hidan was slightly distracted by the mass amount of crap that the blonde had around his placed and let out a deep chuckle at Deidara’s words. The tip of his shoe carelessly kicking at the legs of a table.

"Seriously dude. I come and visit you and you act like a stupid bitch? Jeez --" He scratched the back of his head and then went over to the bed, tossing the military cap idly beside him.

"Oh yeah. Fuck, you dumbshit. Got you something. So keep your damn ugly mouth shut!"


tonguejob March 23 2009, 14:06:23 UTC
Deidara picked up the cap almost absently, spinning it on one of his fingers and looking up at Hidan from his seated position.

"Yeah?" He asked curiously. "What'd ya get me?" another bomb would be cool. The last one had been pretty awesome.

He was actually pretty curious, really.


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