[thread; closed]

Jan 22, 2009 21:16

Who: Captain Harlock, Nill.
Where: Elysium + Terra.
When: Morning - early afternoon.
Summary: Rude awakenings lead to epic and unneeded rescues.
Rating: PG-13. Some swearing and violence. Overall derpness of Nill.
Other: Makes sense in log.

Obligatory: not as planned. )

captain harlock, nill

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Comments 15

silencedbird January 23 2009, 08:52:21 UTC
Much in the way that Captain Harlock’s day had started out in a perfectly normal manner-if sleeping in the cabin of some sort of ship could really be considered normal-Nill’s day had started in a similar way, with her going about the routine that she had steadily fallen into since coming to live with Spanner. She had cleaned up whatever mess had accumulated over night, (there always, without fail, seemed to be a mess when she woke up in the morning, but Nill didn’t mind) done Spanner’s laundry even though she was quite certain that his shirts never came out the same color as they’d been when they went in, and... well, Spanner survived mostly on microwave ramen, so she rarely had to do dishes. She didn’t know enough about ramen to try and make him eat healthier food. At least, not yet.

There had been one slight difference in her routine, however. Now normally, Nill didn’t touch any of Spanner’s odd devices for fear of somehow breaking them or… making them break other things. But when the small girl found an odd remote under a pile of ( ... )


bringingjustice January 23 2009, 19:35:09 UTC
To say that it seemed like he would have a lot of explaining to do -- as he ran past a crowd of pedestrians and firefights to deal with the mess in the hanger -- was an understatement. Or at least, that is what it felt like. Still, he continued on his run down the streets of Elysium to reach the transport to Terra. Good that he was on the highest level so that he could just flash an ID card instead of deal with all the nonsense one usually had to go through to get to the higher or lower levels. He would rather that everyone live freely and not answer to these sort of things, but he could not change a system in a day. The rich would think they were better and the poor themselves worst. But that was not how it should be. Everyone was ( ... )


silencedbird January 24 2009, 23:21:25 UTC
Nill ticked off the list of things that she had gotten done that day on her fingers, mental going through the list while putting up a finger for each thing; the clothes were out to dry, house was tidy once again, albeit a bit dusty (she had decided to dust when she could, but didn’t entirely know how to go about doing so; she figured she’d find out eventually, though ( ... )


bringingjustice January 25 2009, 03:52:34 UTC
Stepping off the transport, he turned easily in direction of the mechanic's residence. There seemed to be an unknown breeze that occasionally would blow his cape from side to side as he walked. Not enough to get in the way of his stride, but enough to be something of a bother. Yet, he could not worry about the weather at this time -- but he did not want to run. Not yet. Gather his strength and waste nothing. Hold on or prepare. Those words he kept repeating ( ... )


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