Take Back The Nerd

Mar 01, 2011 09:05

So my girl K wins the internet with the following post:


Here's a confession: I like nerds.  I think nerds are the absolute hottest breed of men on earth.

Now, for those of you shuddering and asking,  "WTF?" understand that most of you have never actually met or even seen a real nerd - especially all you young folks.  Nerds are rapidly becoming extinct.  That's because as it is with everything else in this godforsaken country, once nerds became commercialized, they got watered down.

Real nerds know shit.

Today being a nerd means being either a socially challenged, virginal comic book-collector or an anime addict, or a super-creepy combo of both.  Those, however, are not "nerds".  Those are slackers and fetishists, and they don't know jack about shit.

Mind you, anime and comic books are well-known vices of nerds; however, they are not the defining traits of nerds.  As much as a nerd enjoys reading comic books or sword-and-sorcery epics, they'd much rather study advanced mathematics or quantum physics.  They'd rather spend an afternoon studying their fifth or six language instead of burning out their eye sockets (and sometimes precious brain cells) on anime.

Real nerds are successful.

There's a reason for the ancient saying, "The geeks shall inherit the earth."  Because real nerds know shit, they are able to do shit, invent shit, and make a shit-ton of money in the process.  Blasians, pay close attention here; if you're wondering why there is so much white venom against Asianfolk, it's because of this. While they are tirelessly studying medicine, biology, engineering, astrophysics, and the like, white kids are twiddling their thumbs wondering what role their GEDs, MBAs and communication degrees are going to play in a very near future where global economics will dominated by the East.

Alas...they don't make the white nerd like they used to.  RIP to our aged or dearly departed white nerd-kin. *pours a sip of pink champagne for fallen homies*  'Twas white nerds who introduced characters Storm and Uhura to the world, children; they stood by their characterization through some dark, dangerous, and turbulent times.  And now, decades later, modern generations of white poseur-nerds can't even stand to think of them as black women. *shakes head*  They try to whiten Uhura and they claim Storm, a woman from East Africa, can't be black because she's a mutant.

Real nerds are on another level.

Black women in particular, I've noticed, tend to be quite drawn to nerds (the real kind, of course).  Nerds see things on another level.  They see the bigger picture.  They don't have the racial, sexual, and social hang-ups non-nerd men do.  'Twas nerds who discovered that humans are over 99% identical.  'Twas nerds who traced the origin of humankind.  Nerds seek the truth of things, peeps; they don't have time to get caught up in the petty politics or drama of the world.  Ego is irrelevant; the truth is all that matters.

Ladies, gents, and undecideds: I want the nerd back.  I want the man who knows shit and does shit with his life.  I want the scholar, the expert, the professional.  I want the man with a real vocabulary, who reads, who seeks.  I want him to reclaim the rightful title of nerd from all these shiftless, low-life, low-expectations-having wannabes sittin' in their mamas' basements, glued to their X-Boxes, eatin' cheese doodles, and layin' claim to a title they haven't even remotely earned.

I say we take back the nerd.  Who's with me?


And as a proud nerd, you know I'm co-signing on this. And most of you know that nothing makes me weaker than the adorkable. And with that in mind, let's commence with epic nerd edition of Random Hawtness:

Who's that handsome devil?

Soooooo my type.

the awesome, comic books, random hawtness, philosophy

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