Dear Racefailers,
X-Men was in fact primarily based on the Civil Rights struggle and the struggles of black people. Yes X-Men does have themes that pertain to the struggles of all minorities, for that matter so does the Civil Rights struggle.
But everyone from Stan Lee to Rebecca Romijn have explained in detailed how X-Men was an allegory to the struggle blacks endured to attain equal rights. Stan Lee has repeatedly explained how Magneto was based on Malcolm X and that Charles Xavier was based on Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Was Prof. X's "I Have A Dream Speech" not enough to clue you willfully obtuse motherfuckers in? And here I thought it was too on the nose. But this is why the
minority metaphor is not enough?
I know, I know, the mere thought of the possibility that your Mighty Whitey heroes being based on us icky dirty nigrahs shatters your white superiority complex and leaves you violently ill. Which is why the second someone points out X-Men's roots in the Civil Rights movement and ultimately black culture, some condescending caucasian has to silence us with the whole "That's not true, it's just a coincidence that Civil Rights just happened to be going on at the time X-Men came out."
Sorry, but facts are facts. And if you're gonna appropriate our culture and our history, at least give us our propers.
X-Men is our story.
And now that we've settled that foolishness here's a little visual goodness featuring my two favorite X-Men and my favorite actors who portrayed them.