This week I 'ave been mostly eatin' ... cake (part 1 - fic)

Feb 04, 2011 21:33


steady as it goes by silviakundera
Caroline, Damon, Stefan [future fic]
I read this as a lot more hopeful than maybe other people did. This is the healthy threesome, as oppose to the Elena angstfest, and Katherine painfest. Caroline's got a great bounce-back-ability to her. That said there is an undertone of sadness at her leaving behind her human life. Unable to stop thinking about and remembering it, even while she tries to move on.

all the same to me by silviakundera
Damon/Elena/Stefan [pretty damn funny]
Stefan POV, as a sort of bemused narrator to the insanity that is Damon Salvatore. That is Damon Salvatore rail-roading him into an incest 'ship. That is Damon Salvatore rail-roading him into a threesome with Elena. That is Damon Salvatore running for Mayor at the same time. Brazilian stripper orgies would make more sense. Epic, wonderful crack.

much more complicated by iphignia939
Damon/Alaric [fuck yeah]
Hilarious Alaric POV. Love their violent/sexy/insane relationship. I like the outsider look on what Stefan is like as well.


dictionary for a dead language by britomart_is and Loki's vid for the fic.
Sam/Dean [epic] [pulling on the heartstrings] [long fic]
It's a big bang, got that lovely grand, epic feel to it. Very angsty painful. Really, take your heart apart and put it back together. I have a thing for characters growing old and dealing with that, settling into their bodies and recognising the differences. It's especially poignant for ex-hunter types as they have often lost more through injuries, and have more to lose, since they really used their bodies. So older!Dean here, is just wonderful.

a man with his insides out and his outsides off by brotomart_is
Dean/Sam [crying now] [timetravel]
Unf. Killed me, little bit. So heartbreaking and inevitable. Sam 'Moore' is one sad, broken, compelling guy. And poor Dean, all naive and trying to fix it and save everyone and so very Dean in doing all of that.

moths on the mirror by fleshflutter
Sam/Dean, Dean/OMC [non-con] [insanity]
Creepy, veeeery creepy. Good and confusing at first, with Dean all crazy and Sam not there.

heroes for ghosts
Sam, Dean [timetravel] [long fic]
Love the details of the 1800s, get to feel all of Dean's childish glee at being back there, being a gunslinger. Just very good atmosphere to the whole thing, feels very wild west. I love Zeke, love the whole demon/gate plot. Very tense, action-filled fic, there's just something damn cool about riding in on your horse, guns blazing. Big damn heroes. Lots of brilliant hurt in this. Old-timey medicine was harsh. I love the complexity of the brother's relationship as well, The moments we get inside Sam and Dean's heads.

strangers in gilead by corvus_imbrifer
Sam, Dean [timetravel] [long fic]
Yeah I was on a bit of a wild west/cowboy au kick. This ones just brilliant as well, nice ambiguity at the beginning and sustained by the awesome outsider POV. Love all the OCs. Again, loving all the details about how the boys dress. the whole into sequence is basically a love story to Dean's eyes and lips and body and everything. UNF.

coming clean by queenklu
Sam/Dean [hotness]
HOT this is fucking hot. Oh wow yeah.

The O.C.

a shadow across by sdlucly
Ryan/Seth [au] [long fic]
I think I recced this back when it was a WIP. but it's complete now. Wonderful AU. Great characterisation, lovely slow build up 'ship, Seth all adorable and persistent. Ryan all broken and afraid. Deals extensively with grief and loss (character death, not Ryan or Seth).

boy meets boy by mackerel sky
Seth/Ryan Ryan/Marissa [ust]
Totally overcame my gag reflex to the pit. Lots of lovely UST sparkiness. definitely good ;)

some days those maps collide by k
established relationship, not normally my thing, but I like the details here. And jealous/petty Seth is kinda adorable. Some interesting things about being gay and coming out tied into it as well.

a bruised road by k
Ryan/Seth [pulling on the heartstrings]
God, I love Ryan's thought processes in this, the way he connects love and violence over and over. The way he's totally hurting and just flying blind, but keeps coming back to Seth as his anchor even though he doesn't quite realise it and can't quite trust it, a bit heartbreaking. Lots of Seth-funny in his rambling, particularly the over-45 thing.

[ust], [timetravel], fandom: the vampire diaries, [pulling on the heartstrings], [long!fic], [future!fic], pairing: threesome, [non-con], pairing: het, pairing: gen, pairing: slash, [hotness], [au], [crying now], [epic], [insanity], fandom: supernatural, fandom: the oc, [pretty damn funny], [fuck yeah]

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