This week I 'ave been mostly eatin' ... dip dabs

Dec 13, 2010 12:29


The Perils of Urban Warfare by phantomjam
Absolutely wonderful. I love the way John's experience in Afghanistan is so neatly and realistically tied through the entire fic. It works so well, and makes so much sense.

Declarations of Mutual Devotions by waketosleep
Sherlock and John get married. It's not exactly shippy, despite that, but it's just adorable seriously, nails that gorgeous sweet side of their dynamic. And perfect tiny Lestrade cameo as well. Just a Minor Peerage funny little prequel. And I love me some Mycroft.

The Hour of Separation by vegarin
Sherlock/John - in a sort of epic, inevitable way, rather than a lustful sort of way.
[epic] [crying now]
"Ever has it been that love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation."
Brilliant and desperate. Very heart wrenching.

THE Sherlock kidfic
[AU] [kidfic]
'The one that kidfic haters love'. And I'm one of those anti-kidfic people most of the time. But this, yes yes, SO MUCH LOVE. It's a character, ensemble, gen thing, it's wonderful. And the kid herself is perfect when in it and when not.

Asteroidea by etothepii
Sherlock/His Dark Materials [crover-fusion] [interesting idea]
Very interesting idea, parts tense and wrong, parts perfect and wonderful. Very much the right tone, not at all easy or saccharine.


The first eight don't count by storm_petrel
Cougar/Jensen [catfic]
yummy, just, really really yummy. Done the way catfic should be done, lots of awesome none of the saccharine silliness.

A Little Small Talk, A Smile (and, Baby, I Was Stuck) by merry_gentry
Everyone thinks they're fucking. They don't need to explain the truth.

a kiss on the cheek and a punch to the gut by snowdarkred
Roque [character study] [au] [genderswitch]
Really great Roque character study. Part of a girl!Jensen/Cougar 'verse, which is also really good, but this part was a stand-out. Made me care for and understand a character I hadn't cared to understand before.

because. like. totally by cynic_fic
Jensen/Cougar [hotness]
Hoooooooooooooooot so hot. And I have a pet love for Jensen speaking Spanish, because. Seriously, it's Jensen, Why wouldn't he?

alone time by nancy
Jensen/Cougar [hotness]
Hot and quite sweet. Jensen dances, Cougar watches. There's a couple of lines that are slightly jarring - descriptions of skin colour. But I don't think it's meant in a negative way, so it can be overlooked.

next of kin (we're all born renegades) by storm_petrel
[au] [interesting idea]
prett-y awesome AU
Jensen's not one of the Losers, and never has been. Instead, Max got his grabby hands on him as his own employee after kidnapping Jenny's sister and niece and threatening torture and/or death upon them if he doesn't comply.
I read it as pre-ship Jensen/Cougar but it doesn't have to be.

commentfic by storm_petrel
[fuck yeah] [au] [crossover-fusion]
The losers in the Napoleonic war. Or Sharpe 'verse/Losers fusion.


growing pains by nimuu
Fucked up relationship - good Nathan voice. Very much S1 Simon.

three immortals go into a pub by gogo_didi
Misfits/Torchwood/Merlin [crossover] [interesting idea] [pretty damn funny]
Very good Nathan voice. Funny and a little bit sad.


there will be music (despite everything) by anjali_organna
Nicely fixes/fills in the gaps for the time travel questions. Really good internal voice for the both of them, good insight into Alisha.

avoiding the paradox by genaschuyler
Takes a more painful look at the time travel paradox - and the timeloop possibility that present!Simon will have to go back and become Superhoodie.

folded at the slightest touch by stainofmylove
Time travel, touch and cameras

just a perfect day by anakisa
And then all she could do was to keep herself from panicking. What if that distant future Simon would never exist? Was he destined to die in the past, or had he created a new time-line where all would be alright, like Curtis did whenever he turned back time? She could feel a knot of dread settling heavy and dark, right over her heart, crawling up her throat, choking her, making her want to cry.

GDI this, this is what keeps killing me whenever I think of the time travel.

a memory is never really over (not until you're dead) by stainofmylove
[pulling on the heartstrings]
Very emotional, though it does raise the question. Who took all those polaroids?

running in circles by balphas
F!Simon/everyone [interesting idea]
Like the idea, good voices for all, very nice F!Simon characterisation

there is only now by stainofmylove
Mmmm this is really good. Powers and watching each other. I like Simon's confusion.

wanna be the only one that you know by stainofmylove
Creepy, very creepy. Both of them abusing their powers. But sort of fucked up and right at the same time.

sight unseen by setos_puppy
Simon/Alisha/Nathan/Kelly [interesting idea]
The foursome works well, good strong F!Simon narrative voice. Don't like Curtis' distance, but at the same time I can almost see how it could happen.

never let you go by anjali_organna
Warning: clowns. Freaky fucking clowns
Lovely angsty Alisha POV

each of us, like you by ohladybegood
Ensemble thing.
26 takes the time travel option that keeps me up at nights. OH SIMON. OH ALISHA. OH. D:


MISFITS - Alisha and her power by goddess09807

MISFITS - Untouchable by crickets
[crying now]
Very touching, sad Alisha POV look at her and her power as well as her relationship with Simon.


Money Money Money by rexregirebellis
[pretty damn funny]
OH MY GOD. This is too hilarious, too brilliant. The best sort of crack. And Mark Gatiss' FACE. IT'S WONDERFUL.

The boys are back in town by eldererryink
Sherlock and Watson, through the ages.
Very sweet, it's a lighter, Sherlock version of those Star Trek ones that came out with STXI, drawing parallels between the shows/films. And so much love.

Untitled 221 by bendtothesun
Sherlock/John [crying now]
A touching, poignant look at their relationship. Show audio works quite nicely here, used very sparingly, and for emphasis. Absolutely beautiful fades, really good use of the London at night scenes.

Humming by greensilver
A much lighter look at Sherlock/John
Not entirely without pathos. Still that awareness of the way John follows after Sherlock, but its tone is sweet and light, not dark and rich like Untitled 221. Nice use of the texts from the show, just as 221 used the dialogue.

These two really work together, they compliment and contrast.

fandom: sharpe, fandom: losers, [pulling on the heartstrings], pairing: femslash, fandom: torchwood, fandom: misfits, [genderswitch], pairing: pre-ship, [character study], non-fic: vids, fandom: sherlock, pairing: het, pairing: gen, pairing: slash, [cat!fic], [crying now], [au], [hotness], fandom: merlin, [epic], [crossover], [pretty damn funny], non-fic: meta, [interesting idea], fandom: his dark materials, [fuck yeah], [kid!fic], [crossover-fusion]

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