This week I 'ave been mostly eatin' ... potatoes

Dec 13, 2010 11:57

I've introduced a bunch of new tags to try and make searching for fics easier. Not sure how well they'll work, but I'll give them a trail period and see. They're for themes, kinks, something about a character or plot, anything really, it's just meant to be a helpful way of grouping recs.

I'm also going to try and do shorter, more regular rec posts from now on.


so wise we grow by captanddeastar
Spock/Kirk [kidfic] [crying now]
“Commander Spock, we have located your son,” the Vulcan lady on the screen says, which would be great, except Jim can tell by the look on Spock’s face that he’s never heard of this kid before in his life. “If it is expedient, the child will be sent to join you on the Enterprise within the week.”
Part two has quite possibly the best McCoy and Kirk drunk banter I've ever read, ever. I like the CR in general, particularly the insight into the Spock/Sarek father/son relationship. I's also got some lovely YAY ENTERPRISE CREW moments. The Kirk/Pike absolutely SLAYED me, the author's really good at these pitch perfect, comic banter scenes. Basically I kept reading new bits and being all bowled over with glee. LOTS OF AWESOME. IN THIS FIC.

I love that Gaila offers masturbation as a way for Kirk to deal with his emotional compromise and it totally makes sense for her to say it. I love that the Vulcan woman who lost her love is a lesbian, I love that the USS Jodhaabai fucking exists. SO MUCH LOVE.

And the sequel? So utterly heartbreaking. *sniff* there may have been actual tears.


The tournament of all magicks by corilannam
Wonderful Arthur finds out! reveal, perfect banter, very sweet 'ship, lots of brilliant magical tricks and fights. And the magical fight was always my favourite part of the sword in the stone anyway.

Ethics of attraction by nagi_schwarz
Merlin/Arthur [AU]
Fantastic AU that manages to tie Merlin's magic into the plot really neatly and cleverly. Courtroom-based drama, lots and lots of tension, very exciting.

The knights have a thousand eyes by stakeaclaim.
Seriously hilarious. I was giggling the whole way through this. Operation Falcon and the three knight's secret meetings absolutely slayed me, and Arthur and Merlin's banter came in a close second. The relationship itself is rather rom-com, but still pretty adorable, even with the sharp turn for the sombre towards the end (but it ends happy, promise)


The Apple Tree by philo
In many ways it's a GaryStu!Harry (superpowered, calm, intelligent etc) But it's a well written Gary Stu, and isn't that what a lot of pro-fic is as well? Certainly Harry (and Severus) make a lot of mistakes, and there's mishaps as well as danger and accidents and attacks etc. Love and War, after all. In fact, I take that back, calling Harry a Gary Stu is doing him a disservice. There's an intelligence driving his changes, there's consequences to his actions. It's the fact that canon!Harry is such an idiot, that makes it seem strange, and the fault doesn't lie with the fanfic author there, but profic.

But my absolute favourite isn't actually the Snape/Harry 'ship, it's the unexpected threesome [Hermione/Neville/Draco] That I really love, all delicious and warm and balanced, and allowing the three to grow into greater people than they are at the start. Lovely.


Requiescat and sequel, Eyes wide shut by whiskyrunner
Arthur/Eames, Neil/Eames [epic] [crossover-fusion]
Warnings: rape/dealing with PTSD from rape.
The death of Neil McCormick was gradual, not sudden, and not permanent by any means. In the end, Arthur goes much more quickly.

Absolutely amazing, the terrible, deep way it takes Arthur/Neil apart and puts him back together again. The scenes in his limbo were just tragic. Eames is so gorgeous in his blind human love for Arthur. And I loved Mal, she was perfect.

Everyone was so human in this, all flawed and real. I'm so totally blown away, this was epic.


burn your bridges down (slow fuse remix) by penknife
Nice slow fic, quite gentle for the pairing, Good writing.

[powerless kink]

themed recs at my journal.

fandom: harry potter, fandom: star trek xi, pairing: het, pairing: slash, [crying now], [au], fandom: die hard, fandom: merlin, [epic], fandom: supernatural, fandom: pirates of the caribbean, [kid!fic], [powerless!kink], [crossover-fusion], fandom: inception

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