Title: Tip Summary: Jack reads an expense report. Characters/Pairings: Jack Harkness/Ianto Jones, Toshiko Sato, Owen Harper, Gwen Cooper Rating: G Spoilers: Cyberwoman, Out of Time, Combat, The Empty Child
I really enjoyed this, but I do have one question. I get why he was covering the tips for Jubilee but why all the others as well? What's going on in his convoluted little brain.
Hi! I'm glad you enjoyed it. =D When I originally wrote it, he was just covering for Jubilee. But then I had to wonder why he wouldn't do that for every delivery person? Annie wasn't killed because she was from Jubilee pizza, she was killed just because she was there. And I think Ianto would have realized that the victim could literally have been anyone who showed up at the wrong place at the wrong time, so his guilt would kind of extend to all of them. I probably haven't explained this very well, but hopefully it makes some kind of sense haha
Comments 6
I really enjoyed this, but I do have one question. I get why he was covering the tips for Jubilee but why all the others as well? What's going on in his convoluted little brain.
I just want to hug him.
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