I'm sniggering into my bubblegum breath because that is creepy but funny and horrendously true anymore. Here's to more that give me the giggles and make me feel all fuzzy inside.
Another SL seminar: "Come learn about the history and future of GimpGirl Community at the Dreams Community Fair 3 on Second Life! Everyone is welcome." Post at http://community.livejournal.com/no_pity/579852.html . Since she announces her stuff in that comm, you might want to follow it. It's not a bitch and whine community, though that happens. It also isn't high volume.
Comments 3
hope your well?
Another SL seminar: "Come learn about the history and future of GimpGirl Community at the Dreams Community Fair 3 on Second Life! Everyone is welcome." Post at http://community.livejournal.com/no_pity/579852.html . Since she announces her stuff in that comm, you might want to follow it. It's not a bitch and whine community, though that happens. It also isn't high volume.
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