Dog-1: Angry monkey woman- 0

Aug 21, 2009 09:33

So... )

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Comments 23

a_hollow_year August 21 2009, 15:42:32 UTC
Go to home depot, get a length of nylon screening, some wire, and two dowel rods. Above the door hammer in four nails. Then fold each end of the screening around the dowel rods and staple them in. Weight one end with coins or rocks or washers. At the other end, loop wire around the rod and hang it on the nails above the door. Since your dog is old there's little chance she'll go barreling in and out like mine and knock it off the nails, so all you need to do is teach her with lots of treats how to nudge the screen aside with her nose. Tada, instant screen doggie door. Cost = <$20.

e: it won't help with the heat, but it keeps flies out pretty well and is better than nothing.


nelson_bannaba August 31 2009, 19:26:51 UTC
Blah, I've been away from LJ too long. Thanks for the screen instructions - pretty darn handy! We've actually got a screen in place that Blinkin noses open to go out and to get back in she actually takes it in her teeth and swings it open. (and if she's so clever, why can't she remember that there's a puppy wet pad like 5 feet from where she's peeing on the floor) I don't know how flies manage to get through our screen, but the buggers do. Even though the temps are lower than they were, I feel badly about air conditioning our back yard.

I guess I should just live with it, for as long as she lives, that dog is ooooold. She can't even walk around the block anymore.


45cats August 21 2009, 16:22:11 UTC
I can never find anything reasonable to bang when I need to. I should keep a toy shovel around.


nelson_bannaba August 31 2009, 19:28:16 UTC
Keep one in your pocket. it can also serve as a handy way to start a convo with your new neighbors.

"Ah, no I don't have a toddler, I have a pet.."


rya_kelley August 21 2009, 17:29:13 UTC
I once suggested a doggie door for Koga. Mick said, given Koga's size, they might as well call it a burglar door.


nelson_bannaba August 31 2009, 19:37:00 UTC
Or bigger animals, like other dogs. When our screen door was busted (before we replaced it with another), several of the neighbors cats wandered in.


rya_kelley September 1 2009, 09:52:37 UTC
This is off-topic, but Mick and I recently started watching Dexter, like you suggested. You weren't kidding about it being good. This is the greatest show ever.


nelson_bannaba September 5 2009, 18:17:41 UTC
I'm so glad you're enjoying the show! Yep, it's awesome. What season are you on? Season 3 just came out last week, I think. Ed and I watch it together too. One of those shows you can share.


alterfano August 21 2009, 17:54:43 UTC
doggies doors are the awesome. but by the time you get it installed, will the dog still be alive? i assume flies breed freely in your neck of the woods and that this won't be the last time you face this dilemma...


nelson_bannaba August 31 2009, 19:38:02 UTC
Yep, don't want none of them flies in mah ice tea. :)

Yes, I may just stick it out. She's a good dog, other times.


nokomarie August 21 2009, 23:42:47 UTC
Blinkin has no wish to make you a happy pet owner. She does not want the door closed. Closing the door will result in prompt retaliatory piddling.


nelson_bannaba August 31 2009, 19:39:06 UTC
I wonder if I could adopt that and use that technique elsewhere - it certainly works around here.


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