so cold. what the hell. it was in the 70s thursday. and tomorrow i will wake up to temperatures in the 30s. something isn't right :/
if you know my fandoms (and my ships), TV broke me this week: SV, UB, GA. thankfully, i have no problem ignoring canon when there is so much great fanon out there.
SV Thoughts (spoilers inside): )
Comments 9
I've stopped watching GA from the first few episodes; I can't stand the woe-is-me attitude of each character there, and to add that one of the main ships is that of screwed up intern and a screwer married doctor, I'm so don't need the drama :o)
And when I read the above, I'm glad that I stopped watching that long ago. What is it with this show that disregard the sanctity of marriage--wait, one does need to just go to this extreme--any relationship. This sounds more soap opera-ish that I give them credit for. GA, you don't surprise me anymore :o)
it really has become soap opera-ish. but you expect all of this from soap operas.
OH SV how can you assassinate so many characters in just one episode? *le sigh*
GA was funny and cool. Except for the fact that George was annoying, and they really didn't need that happening at the end.
At least it didn't look like a good morning after scene but "OMFB what the hell did I do?" look.
as for SV ... sigh. the only person acting in character was Lionel, and that was after months of me wondering if he was evil or not.
omg, i just realized something: Lana was acting perfectly in character. she was going to break-up with Whitney via videotape (before he went missing) and she was going to break-up with Lex via a letter on their wedding day. way to avoid emotional confrontation, Ms. Lang.
So true about only Lionel being in character. The others were brain washed.
omg, i just realized something: Lana was acting perfectly in character. she was going to break-up with Whitney via videotape (before he went missing) and she was going to break-up with Lex via a letter on their wedding day. way to avoid emotional confrontation, Ms. Lang.
I know!!
It started in Labyrinth with looking over her (and Lex's) shoulder to give Clark googly eyes. She did the same thing with Whitney.
It's like last year of characterization never happened. *le sigh*
I liked late S5, early S6 Lana. :(
i didn't know that in one comic book universe Lana did marry Lex until i was reading posts and comments at smallville
I can give you a better link but I think that explains it best. I'm saying she's written VERY different than current continuity, which makes me think that this Superman is an AU. There are loads of realities in the DC universe.
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