Mr. Gibbs Gossips

Aug 23, 2006 12:56

Title: Mr. Gibbs Gossips
Author: nelliedances/Miss Ruby Tuesday
Rating: G
Pairings: Jack/Elizabeth
Warnings: Might have a vague spoiler for DMC 
Disclaimer: Sure I own it; I also have a great bridge for sale in Brooklyn, if anyone’s interested.
Summary: Mr. Gibbs gossips about the goings on between Jack and Elizabeth.
Status: Complete.

It had gotten bloody small on the Pearl since that Miss Swann had boarded in Tortuga. I told Jack it ain't good luck to have a woman on board. Ana-Maria, now, she were different. She weren't nearly the damnable distract to our good Cap'n Miss Swann is.

I figger it were when he was stranded with her, what on that island and all. I imagine the sun tetched him a wee bit and her charms and being on display. It's what any man would do, nothing wrong with it. But moonin' about afterwards? Now that ain't fittin.

Then, once she's aboard, it's suddenly hotter than any Tortuga day and it ain't the fault of the sun. We don't say nothin because Jack's our cap'n and a few of us feel a bit for young Turner, what with his girlie strutting around like a pampered pussy cat fer her tom. We all seen how he smiles and she steals glances to him striking a pose on the decks. And if his compass works like he says it does, don't we know where it points in her hands, eh?

I seen her, how she slinks around him, and how he preens for her benefit. Ol' Marty's seen 'em in hidden corner, much as a ship can have 'em, sneaking like a pair of lovesick kids. He swears on a stack o' bibles he seen 'em canoodling, but he ain't god fearin' enough for me to believe his word as law. Still, I wouldn't put it past ol' Jack. It wouldn't be the first time he stolen what weren't his for the taken.

Pirate and all.

Me now, I wish he'd either do it or not, but put us all out of our misery from watching the two of 'em burn 'emselves up over the waitin. I seen how close they come and, mark my works, Mr. Cotton, she'll be in his arms ere the end o' the voyage or my name ain't Joshamee Gibbs.

Mr. Gibbs left the mute Cotton in peace as he retired below decks. Not barely had the door closed when Jack peered out of the shadows.

“I hazard they're onto us, luv,” he whispered, pulling Elizabeth out of the space near the door.

“I daresay,” she replied, stretching up to kiss him.

“What'd you say we retire to my quarters for the evening and perhaps we shall really see which way my 'compass' points in yer hands?”

“Mr Sparrow!” she exclaimed, even as she followed quickly behind, safe in the notion that no one had seen them. However, though Mr. Cotton's back was to them, two eyes, black and glittering as Jack's, watched the pair sneak off.

“AWWWWK! Kiss the girl!” This prompted Mr. Cotton to tap the bird on its beak. After all, he knew the importance off keeping mum, even if the parrot didn't. You learned more that way.

oneshot, fic

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