
Aug 23, 2006 12:51

Title: Horizons
Author: nelliedances/Miss Ruby Tuesday
Rating: Mild R for later chapters
Pairings: Jack/Elizabeth, mentions of Will/Elizabeth
Warnings: Very vague DMC/AWE. Set after the third movie 
Disclaimer: Sure I own it; I also have a great bridge for sale in Brooklyn, if anyone’s interested.
Summary: Elizabeth, trapped and unhappy with life on land and with Will, embarks on an affair with Jack.
Status: Complete with epilogue.

The small church was located in a forgotten corner of Tortuga; a remnant of its earliest days. The Spanish missionaries rolled in and out with the regularity of the tide, but there was always a man of the cloth there. They had been good to Jack, in days past, allowing him sanctuary when he was injured and giving him counsel when he was lost. This wasn't to say that Jack was a God-fearing, Christian man, but the padres were level headed and as good for advice as the next man.

It was on a warm, sunny morning that this tiny church performed its most import function for him yet. On this day, with only Gibbs and mute old Cotton as witnesses, Jack Sparrow wed Elizabeth Swann. As he repeated the latin incantations that would bind them, he stole a glance at her. She wore the veil of a virgin, blushing just a bit more for it, and a dress liberated from a ship they'd raided on their way. To his eyes, though, there was never a more beautiful sight. Even the Pearl paled in comparison.

The old padre finished his chant and Jack paused, all of his bravado and swaggering gone. In its place was the shy man he'd been in the years before he'd become Captain Jack Sparrow. He hesitated, his eyes resting on her lips.

“AWWWWWKK! Kiss the bride! Kiss the bride!”

“Bloody parrot!” he laughed, as he leaned in, kissing her for the first time as his wife.

The new Elizabeth Sparrow rested against her husband as he steered the Pearl. The sun set over Tortuga in the background, and on her most unconventional wedding day. Jack hummed a nameless tune, as he tightened his grip.

“So, luv, ready for your wedding night?”

“Didn't we have that months ago?” she asked, laughing.

He feigned hurt. “I could think of a few new tricks to show you. I have been all over the world.”

“Well, let's bring us that horizon!”

“I already have, Elizabeth. My horizon is right here.”

Where one sun sets, another will always rise.


horizons, fic

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