
Aug 23, 2006 12:38

Title: Horizons
Author: nelliedances/Miss Ruby Tuesday
Rating: Mild R for later chapters
Pairings: Jack/Elizabeth, mentions of Will/Elizabeth
Warnings: Very vague DMC/AWE. Set after the third movie 
Disclaimer: Sure I own it; I also have a great bridge for sale in Brooklyn, if anyone’s interested.
Summary: Elizabeth, trapped and unhappy with life on land and with Will, embarks on an affair with Jack.
Status: Complete with epilogue.

Elizabeth laughed at Jack's repeated line of marriage.

“It didn't work last time, on the Pearl, Jack.”

“Aye, but you can't blame me for trying. I am, after all, quite a catch and it would be wise to take what you can...”

“...And give nothing back!” She laughed, snatching his hat from the ground and placing it on her head as she settled close to him again, dropping her mouth to his neck. Jack groaned as she nipped him. He had come for another reason, though, aside from bringing her prizes from the South Seas. He had been mulling over things to say to her for the majority of the voyage back.

“Ahh, I think, luv, we need to have a bit of a chat,” Elizabeth ignored him, moving her mouth from his neck to his ear.

“Lizzie... sweetheart... please...” Still, no response that she had heard him.

“Parley!” That stopped her.

“What..? Jack, did you just demand parley?” Her mouth hung open in amused shock. “Whatever for?”

“Well,” he paused, brushing an errant strand of hair from her face. “I was talking and you weren't listening.”

She laughed again. “You're always talking.” She noticed, however, that his face had gone serious, something decidedly unusual. She sighed. “What's weighing on your mind?”

“I... well... I've been having a bit of a think about me and you and...” he paused. This was coming harder than expected. Jack always felt he had the gift of the gab; why did it have to fail him now? “I won't keep cuckolding Bootstrap's boy like this, Elizabeth. It's not games we're playing no more with your heart and his; it's mine as well and I've a mind not to have it broken, even by the likes of you.” There. Said. More, in fact, than he originally meant to.

“Oh,” she blinked rapidly several times and he could feel the tenseness ebb into her body. “I see. You'd...” her voice cracked, full of tears and his heart twisted with the thought of having hurt her. “You'd rather not see me again?”

“It's not that, darlin,” he said softly. “I just won't be party to this no more, savvy? It pains me to say it, because it could mean the end to us, but it's him or me. There's no loyalty to him on my part, but his pap was a good man who stood up for me to his own end and I'd like to think I did the same for his issue, even if it's to my own end.” He looked away, to the horizon. This was where she broke his heart, told him that she understood, but she'd made a promise to Will to marry him, he knew it. At least he'd still have the Pearl.

Elizabeth nodded solemnly. She had suspected this was coming. Nothing came without a price. She and Jack had been rendezvousing since their return. It had been exciting, at first, which had gradually given way to a comfortable camaraderie, and finally had softened into something akin to love. Jack brought out her adventurous side and, in turn, she brought out the good in him. They fit like two halves of a clam shell, or peas in a pod, as Jack was fond of saying. She had been able to have her cake and eat it too, which had suited her fine at first. Lately, though, she had begun to find being around Will stifling and frustrating rather than a welcome calm after the excitement she'd had with Jack.

“Would you give me the night to think on it?” Her voice sounded inexplicably tiny in her ears. “This isn't a decision that I want to make lightly.”

“Of course, luv. Have a fortnight if that will rest your mind.” Jack tightened his arm around her waist. “I don't imagine you'd mind if I showed you a few of the perks of choosing me, though.” Glib Jack resurfaced and the tension broke like a fever. Before he had a chance to utter another word, she'd pounced on him. In the back of his mind, he prayed to God, Aphrodite, Neptune, and a few other miscellaneous heathen gods he picked up on in his travels that she'd chose him and not Bootstrap's boy.

horizons, fic

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