More lovely Allan/Much

Apr 30, 2009 00:14

Quite frankly couldn't resist!

Title: Friends?
Pairing: Much/Allan
Spoilers: Series 3, up to Ep. 4.
Rating: 15?  Something around there, nothing graphic.
Disclaimer:  I have nothing, whatsoever to do with the Beeb.  If I did, I think it's clear that Much and Allan would get a lot more screentime.  Hell, we could probably just cut out all the other ( Read more... )

robin hood, allan/much, fic

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Comments 7

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neleccentric April 30 2009, 22:05:34 UTC
Yay! Thank you, am very pleased you thought it was hot, because personally I think that's the kind of writing I'm worst at!

Yead, I'm having a major creative splurge at the moment, so I'm sure a story (or two) along those lines will follow soon!


shaman_whore May 2 2009, 01:18:05 UTC
Team Leather?! Hahaha!
I'm gonna start off with saying that this is pretty packed with typos which grieved me somewhat as I'm a bit of a grammar nazi :P But I kept reading as it's a really good fic, very hot (I find it hard to write secksy stuff as well but may I say you did a great job!), loved the way it changed direction, and can't wait to read more, hopefully with some dark!Allan times?
Well done, I'm off to bed now to dream happy manlove dreams! xxx
(PS If you ever are in want of a beta I'm available for a very reasonable charge ;) )


neleccentric May 2 2009, 15:34:55 UTC
Wow, I made a grammar nazi overcome typos! Thanks very much! I've just been having a bit of a creative frenzy at the moment, and am short on time anyway, so I'm afraid I've been just typing onto LJ, ridiculously fast, so that shall be my excuse! Now the weekends rolled in I'm going through getting rid of bad spelling and typos, as I like to think of myself as a sort of junior grammar nazi! There are some dark Allan times on the way (bit of a change, seeing as in my fics it tends to be Much that gets the hard times!), but I'm having a bit of difficulty ending that story at the moment. It's on its way anyway! Thanks so much for reading, it's really great to get some feedback, and hearing about the typos and what not is good, I'm going to have to take far more care in future!



shaman_whore May 2 2009, 21:39:53 UTC
Ooh, creative frenzies are always good! Colour me jealous, I haven't exactly been prolific lately. You're welcome on the comment, I look forward to reading more xx


rochvelleth May 2 2009, 12:14:27 UTC
Wow, very hot indeed! I really liked the way it progressed, and it's really nice thinking of Allan that way (and indeed exploring the impact of Team Leather!).

And thank you for posting it on treatmuchright! We have a lot of Much/Allan activity over there at the moment, so it's lovely to see more, and don't worry about not entering the competition because all Much/Allanness is good ;)


neleccentric May 2 2009, 15:36:55 UTC
Thanks very much for reading! It didn't really start out that way, so it progresses so much because as I write it progresses in my mind, it's a bit of a messy process!

Ah, what would I do without TMR?! I like hanging round there, lots of lovely Much, he really is spiffing! And the combination of his spiffingness and Allan's spiffingness is frankly irresitable! Thanks again for reviewing, it's great having feedback!


rochvelleth May 3 2009, 14:32:09 UTC
It was a pleasure :)

And thank you for the lovely things you say about TMR :D


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