UPDATES: 【Shoes Store】Spree #2

Jun 16, 2007 11:14

【Shoes Store】Spree #2

*There will be only 1 mass meetup to help you all save on postage fees. Mass meetup done!!
*Place & time to be updated here later, after the bags arrived & after sorting the items.
*Any top-ups will have to be done before the collection of items.
  Similarly, any excess will be refunded (via IB only) before the collection of items.
~ Spree-ers who opt for the mass meetup, pls do turn up & be punctual. Be prepared to bring your own carriers to contain your items. A fine of S$1.00 will be imposed for those who fail to turn up & your items will be sent via post (Not going to ferry your items to & fro like a idiot. It's not fun.)
~  Spree-ers who cannot make it for the mass meetup will have to collect their items via post (normal/registered). You will need to top-up for the postage fees incurred. I would stongly advise registered mail as I am not responsible for any lost mail.
*Appreciate it greatly if you kindly leave me a feedback after receiving your item. 
  Pls leave your precious feedback at the community/place you spree-ed at.
  For sgspree feedback OR personal feedback.
*Many thanks for your participation in my spree.
*I reserve the rights to make any ammendments in the info. above.
*Note: All comments are screened for privacy purposes.

Timeline of events:
05/07: With delivery courier. Items delivered to my place. Will do the sorting asap. Sorted and ready for collection!!
04/07: Parcels acknowledged and opened at Speedpost Processing Centre at 9.24AM.
03/07: On the way~
02/07: Waiting~
01/07: Waiting for parcel arrival.
30/06: Items shipped out. From 大雅郵局 at 8.42am.
29/06: Seller received payment. Items scheduled to be shipped out tomorrow.
ALL refunds done except for rosetee - need to wait for the exchange rate for spree #2 to reflect on my bank statement.
28/06: Paid seller. Will update the list of confirmed OOS later in the evening. OOS list updated!!
27/06: 6th day of restocking.
26/06: Restocking still woh..
25/06: Restocking~
24/06: No restocking on SATURDAYS and SUNDAYS.
23/06: No restocking on SATURDAYS and SUNDAYS.
22/06: Restocking~
21/06: Restocking~
20/06: Restocking~
19/06: Seller replied that items are still restocking. Will be paying seller after all items that can be restocked are available. Updated list of OOS - total 9 pairs of OOS.
18/06: Items restocking.
17/06: 8 pairs confirmed OOS. Factory do not produce them anymore.
16/06: Waiting for seller's reply.
15/06: Spree closed. Mass emailed. Emailed seller the order list.

PAID orders @ sgspree:
1) mypanda13 - 1 item - S$18.26 S$16.09 - after topup deduction from Spree #1 (transferred from Spree #1)
2) huis87 - 1 item - S$18.26 (transferred from Spree #1)
3) babyangel_ecp - 1 item - S$18.26 S$15.85 - after topup deduction from Spree #1 (transferred from Spree #1)
4) kiuriouz - 1 item - S$18.26 (transferred from Spree #1)
5) rosetee - 2 items - S$39.39 S$34.44 - after topup deduction from Spree #1 (transferred from Spree #1)
6) vintagepinkcat - 1 items - S$21.13 S$18.40 - after topup deduction from Spree #1 (transferred from Spree #1)
7) bigtimeshopper - 2 items - S$36.51 (transferred from Spree #1)
8) 2021lene - 6 items - S$122.45  (1 item transferred from Spree #1)
9) purplehues - 1 item - S$19.69
10) walkingstitch - 1 item - S$18.25
11) duckedee - 1 item - S$18.26
12) just_j0yc3 - 1 item - S$19.69
13) puisterbeloved - 1 item - S$18.30
14) strawberi83 - 3 items - S$54.78 (orders @ my LJ)
15) expiredd - 1 item  - S$20.15 S$12.68 - after topup deduction from Spree #1 (transferred from Spree #1)

OOS items & affected person: (**List will be further confirmed upon items arrival**)
sgspree spree-ers:
1) mypanda13 - 瑪莉珍鞋~純色立體蝴蝶結裝飾漆皮圓頭低跟包鞋(22.5白)TWD320
2) huis87 - 同色系漆皮鞋面繫腳踝小圓頭低跟包鞋(39黑)TWD320
3) babyangel_ecp - 立體蝴蝶結裝飾側裸空露趾純色圓頭高跟鞋(23.5白)TWD320
4) kiuriouz - (8.5公分)晶鑽鏈條裝飾透明鞋面尖頭高跟涼鞋(24.5黑)TWD320
5) rosetee - (6.5公分)刺繡圖騰鞋面圓頭高跟魚口造型包鞋(23.5金)TWD320
6) strawberi83 - 瑪莉珍鞋~純色立體蝴蝶結裝飾漆皮圓頭低跟包鞋(35白)TWD320---->Size 36 also OOS.
                           - 瑪莉珍鞋~純色立體蝴蝶結裝飾漆皮圓頭低跟包鞋(35黑)TWD320---->Size 36 also OOS.
                           - 舒適休閒~色彩鮮明飾帶裝飾圓頭平底包鞋(36紫)TWD320
7) puisterbeloved - 同色系立體抓皺蝴蝶結裝飾露趾圓頭高跟鞋(24白)TWD320 
8) vintagepinkcat - (10.5cm)飾帶交叉裝飾露趾漆皮圓頭高跟鞋(24.5黑)TWD350
9) just_j0yc3 - 同色系(9公分)珠寶裸空鞋面圓頭高跟涼鞋(39金)TWD350 ---->You will be getting your alternative(39 綠)
10) purplehues - 純色流蘇蝴蝶結裝飾編織鞋面圓頭平底包鞋(38黃)TWD350---->You will be getting your alternative (38米白)

***Restocking completed. Seller confirmed that the above OOS are the ones that the factory DO NOT produce anymore. List updated on 28June2007 @5.01pm***

Shipping fees per 1 shipping unit is S$4.47. 
Airmail chosen instead of sea shipping to get items faster. 
No discount as there are less than 20 pairs of footwear after excluding the OOS items.
Tried baragaining with seller but failed.

Exchange rate reflected in my bank statement is S$1 = TWD20.96.

How to calculate the final amounts: 
[(Price of item in TWD *1.028 EZPAY fees) / 20.96] + (shipping unit * S$4.47) + S$0.50 per spree-er(handling fees) = FINAL AMOUNT.
Pls note that S$0.50 handling fees is per spree-er NOT per item. 
However, those spree-ers that received their shoes from spree #1 and spree #2 separately will have to pay S$0.50 twice.

sgspree spree-ers:
1) mypanda13 - S$16.09 - Refund done - Ref 1240325715 - Verified!!
2) huis87 - S$18.26 - Refund done - Ref 1240323933 - Verified!!
3) babyangel_ecp - S$15.85 - Refund done - Ref 1240322400 
4) kiuriouz - S$18.26 - Refund done - Ref 1240320832 - Verified!!
5) rosetee - S$11.34 - S$3.74 (registered local mail charges) = S$7.60 - Refund done - Ref 1257066562 
6) strawberi83 - S$54.78 - Refund done - Ref 1240319051 
7) puisterbeloved - S$18.30 - Refund done - Ref 1240316927 
8) vintagepinkcat -S$18.40 - Refund done - Ref 1240315048

1) expiredd - S$8.99 - Received!!
2) bigtimeshopper - S$3.47 - Received!!
3) 2021lene - S$9.36 - Received!!
4) purplehues - S$1.98 - Received!!
5) walkingstitch - S$1.99 - Received!!
6) duckedee - S$1.98 - Received!!
7) just_j0yc3 - S$1.98 - Received!!

Options for items collection
Option 1: Mass meet-up. (Date, time & place to be advised later).
Pls choose a secret password (4 numbers) so that I can verify who you are that day.
Option 2: By post (normal or registered).
You will need to top-up for your postage fees. Spree-er have to bear the costs of special requests like post-pacs/security envelopes, etc.

Pls state your choice of option by leaving comment in correct format below. 
To all sweeties, u all can make ur choice AFTER I confirm the mass meetup details. Don haf to choose now, ya?
Option 1Option 2LJ nick/real name:
Option: Mass meetup
Secret password:  (4digits) 
H.P. No.:     
No. of items:            LJ nick/real name: 
Option: By mail
Type: Normal/Regstered  
No. of items:

Items sent / collected
1) bigtimeshopper - Self collection on 07July2007
2) purplehues - Self collection on 07July2007
3) duckedee - Normal mail sent on 07July2007 - S$1.50
4) walkingstitch - Normal mail sent on 08July2007 - S$1.50
5) expiredd - Registered mail sent on 09July2007 - RR610875136SG - S$4.79
6) 2021lene - Self collection on 09July2007 
7) rosetee -  Registered mail sent on 10July2007 - RR610875163SG - S$3.74
8) just_j0yc3 - Normal mail sent on 14July2007 - S$1.50
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