[PUBLIC] Degrassi S8 Wrap Up/ S9 Speculation

Apr 28, 2009 08:51

I started writing this on the 19th and I'm only posting it now- that's how lazy I am. *sad face*
Thank you Moe for giving me the inspiration to finish this~

I was excited for season 8 from the beginning. I admit when I saw the first promotional photos I was a bit in shock with all the new faces. But I decided to keep an open mind which has been my attitude throughout the season. And I am glad that I did.

Overall I thought this season had a really fresh feel- and not just because of all the new faces. Season 8 finally covered some of the topics I had been hoping for (steroids!) and even the things that were recycled were, for the most part, handled well.

This season also saw some stand out performances from several new cast members that I have high hopes for and introduced us to some characters who I already find loveable and care about.

I find myself even more excited for season 9 because a lot of season 8 felt like set up for the next season. I don't mind this at all and I think that will only make season 9 that much better. In some ways I feel like it's easy to compare season 8 to season 1 which was the building blocks for the series. I'm sure in a few seasons we'll be able to look back and see season 8 in a similar light. If in fact season 8 is the start of the next next generation I think the writers are on the right path.

(Warning: This is REALLY long! Read at your own risk!)

Season 8 Wrap Up: The Episodes
There were a lot of good episodes this season. Looking back it's funny to me that episodes I really liked pre-Jane Says were really blow out of the water by the second half of the season. Maybe it's because we needed time to warm up to the new characters, but the second half of the season felt like it was on a whole different level than the beginning of the season.

My favorite episode of the season had to be Danger Zone. Talk about going out with a bang! This episode just had all the right elements and it helped that it focused on some of my favorite characters this season.

Overall I think the 5 "stand out" episodes this season were: Causing a Commotion, Jane Says 1/2 (a-plot), Touch of Grey (b-plot), Heart of Glass, and Danger Zone. Really they had a nice run at the end.

The Episodes: Personal Favorites
Causing a Commotion- I rewatched this one over and over after it came out. Even though I had a lot of problems with the AS angle. This episode stood out to me on the protesting plot alone. A lot of people have compared Clare to Emma mostly because of this episode, but I think that how Clare protested and how Emma protested are very different. When you compare this episode to "Fight For Your Right" you see that Emma and Clare have very different motivations. Where Emma was logically fighting policy, Clare was emotionally fighting against the injustice she felt her friend was facing. This episode was a strong addition to season 8 and was one of the first "really good" episodes of the season.

Touch of Grey (B-plot)- Considering that KC's backstory here was just B-plot he certainly left an impression. I went into a lot of detail for my review of this episode, so I'll just say that as a set ToG and DZ made KC's character for me. Not only is he going into season 9 well rounded and much more interesting, but I think he has a lot of potential to carry some great storylines next season.

Heart of Glass- Probably my second favorite episode this season next to Danger Zone. Again I went into a lot of detail for my review already so I'll keep this short. I have to say I give the writers a lot of kudos here. They took a risk and it paid off. I also think it was good to show this story, not only for Alli's character but for anyone who has gone through the same thing. This episode and Jane Says had me a little weapy.

Danger Zone- As I said before this episode was just a stand out. It gave me a lot of hope for season 9 as well.

This season's honorable mentions: Money for Nothing and Lost in Love 1/2
Episodes I thought were good: Fight the Power, Didn't We Almost Have It All, Man With Two Hearts, and Bad Medicine

The Episodes: The Bad
There were three episodes that stayed with me because of how aweful they were: Uptown Girl 1/2, Jane Says 1 (B-plot), and Up Where We Belong. Ugh.... I don't even want to talk about these. I'll just pretend they didn't happen. Well, aside from UG 2's B-plot. Klare managed to save that episode from being a totally bore.

Season 8 Wrap Up: The Characters
Despite many people missing the old crew, this season had a lot of stand out characters. There are also a group of great actors on the show who shouldn't be ignored. So yes, maybe it was hard to have to get to know a whole new class at Degrassi, but it was also mighty worth it.

My favorite characters this season were the Niners. I can't lie, totally all them. The writers had a good idea with this one. Not only do they now have a solid core group for future seasons, but we also get to see these kids' stories from the beginning. I think they are doing a great job with building them as friends too. We get to see how these four come together and I think that makes their interactions seem so normal and natural. If Clare, Alli, KC, and Connor are in fact the future of Degrassi than I am very excited.

The girls really ruled this season and that is partly because of two powerhouse actresses: Charlotte Arnold and Paula Brancati. Holly J and Jane both had great development this season, and when I look back at all the episodes I think S8 really belonged to them. And I certainly am not complaining. I think they are just strongest actors on the show (that's partially because a lot of the new kids have very little experience) so it is a good thing they got the most dramatic storylinbes. It's funny looking back at where they both were at the beginning of the season. They've come a long way.

The boys seemed to left behind again. I'm not surprised. I think season 2 was the last time storylines seemed gender balenced. I am hoping it is a little more balenced next season. But if not there is still Riley! I think he was a great addition to the cast. I loved both his major storylines and his development with Peter. I also think Argiris Karras is outstanding. He's really convincing and has great acting skills. Plus in interviews he always seems like such a nice guy. Since Riley is a senior I'm guessing season 9 will be his last season. I will be sad to see him leave. I hope he gets at least two A-plots next season (maybe a B-plot too). I need my Riley time!

There were also some characters who were less than fun to watch this season...

First off, Mia.... ugh. I don't even know where to start. When first heard Mia was getting the S8 opening I was hopeful. I liked the direction her character had taken last season. And I thought it was nice to show the teen parent stuggling to still be a teen side. Especially because we never saw that with Manny and Liberty. They always focus on the teen pregnancy not raising the baby. But oh no! The Mia I saw in UG was not the Mia I was expecting. Talk about disappointing. Although many hated her from that point on I decided to give her a pass and see if she improved as the season went on. That lasted all of ten seconds because by the end of 803 she was on my hate list.

And there was Emma. As the seasons go on I seem to wish for the old Emma more and more. I thought she was cool in 804, but pretty much the rest of the season she was.... not cool. Emma seems to have gotten more whiny, I don't think this is a good thing. And I'm tired of hearing her complain about everything. *sigh* Maybe the writers are trying to hard with her character.

Then there was the boring/annoying crew. Basically that means Sav and Leia. There were moments when I kinda liked them, but for the most part I found them really uninteresting. Leia is like bread and Sav is not meant to be in a leading role. But watch out I get the feeling they are trying to build Sav up to being the main guy in season 10, like nu!Peter.

Season 8 Wrap Up: The Pairings
This season saw the start of several great relationships. I was pleasently surprised to find a few couples this season that I shipped even more than I thought I would. There were also a few couples that made me bury my head in a hole. I guess things even out.

Klare (KC X Clare): My favorite couple this season! Actually they are already at the top of my favorite Degrassi couples list. They really made me care about this season. It's the scenes with them that I rewatch the most. They had some sweet moments, but I hope that now that they are really together we get to see more. (I demand more handholding!) Also I'm glad that the writers decided to take their relationship slow. It made that kiss all the better because we waited six months to see it (haha). I think they have real staying power. I can't wait to see more.

Jalli (Johnny X Alli): If you had told me last season that a Johnny ship would be on my favorites list I would have laughed. I'm not laughing now. Alli is for sure the best thing that ever happened to Johnny's character and he's great for her too. I love how far they have come since the beginning of the season. I also think that as far as couple based storylines this season Jalli had the best ones. Usually I get a little annoyed when entire episodes seem to revolve around a relationship, but Jalli managed to keep it interesting and pulled out one of best episodes this season (HoG) in my opinion.

Spane (Spinner X Jane): I liked them last season, but they had so much more going on this season. I really like how they are with each other. It's like they completely accept each other. I love that. They also seem like a real couple. I could see them working in real life as well. I just hope they don't have any drama next season. They're the type of couple that works best without drama.

Blue J (Blue X Holly J): I wasn't quite convinced in the beginning, but I really liked what we saw of them in DZ. I don't want to say too much yet, but I'll be looking forward to seeing more of them next season.

Even though Nessa has only been in one episode, I like the idea of her and Connor. More so (maybe) I like the idea of Connor having a relationship. There are a lot of good storylines there.

Sadly, there were also some couples I didn't like this season....

Pia (Peter X Mia): Can this pairing die in a fire yet? (no really, that's all I have to say.)

Lia (Danny X Leia): I think it's better if these two don't have relationship related storylines.

Season 8  Notes
The opening credits for S8 were nice in theory, but played out too long. Since I've been listening to it all season I have gotten used to the theme song. But I don't like it as much as previous seasons. I like that the lyrics are back. But the vocals bothered me and overall I felt like it sounded like a strange country-pop hybric that didn't quite get it right.

Season 9: Hopes & Speculation
I have high hopes for season 9. I think it is going to be a great season. But there are a few things I see changing and some things I hope change. First off, I think some of the opening credits need to be redone. I mentioned earlier that the theme song was blah so I'm secretly hoping they make a new one for season 9. The credits themselves are too long and already outdated so some shots should be fixed. For instance. Clare doesn't wear her uniform anymore so it would strange to see her in it for season 9. Also if Mia leaves she'll have to be taken out of the credits. That scene should be redone anyway because she's not on the power squad anymore.

About Nina's future on the show: Mia has really annoyed me this season (it only takes one season to ruin a character). I think it's funny that after Shenae had her big season she left to do a CW show and now Nina is doing the same thing. The writers should start planning her write off now. Even though I don't like Mia I still hope she gets a more solid write off than Darcy did.

Peter: He needs me to be interesting again. First off, I hope he is not so whiny in season 9, he should hang out more with Riley. Maybe Riley's influence will cure nu!Peter of his whining. I'd like to see him have a solid season long storyline to deal with next season. {I miss old Peter ;_;}

Emma: Put her in the background and let Manny and Liberty take center stage for once. I'd like to see her more in the supportive friend role. She should get one or maybe two B-plots about a real college issue.

Manny: How about some screentime? I'd like to see Manny be the main college focus next season. But I don't want to say anything until I after I see what happens to her in the movie.

Liberty: Is it too much to ask for a little follow up to her soriety plot? I would love to see Liberty get a new love interest. But knowing the Degrassi writers that is asking too much (*eye roll*). Hey since it's rule that Liberty can only date Emma and Manny's leftovers- maybe she can go out with Kelly! -_-

Mia: Leave.

Holly J: Continue her strong character development; more Dot-centered plots with Spinner and Jay; and have an easy going non drama relationship with Blue. Maybe add in some things about how this is her first relationship so she's unsure of what to do.

Anya: Any kind of character development plot would be nice. Give her an Anya-focused, not SavAnya-focused A-plot.

Chante: Her relationship with Bruce is revealed. Show her in the supportive friend role with Holly J or Anya. I kinda like her when she's interacting with Holly J (like in art class this season). If she's going to stay a regular they should make her a little more likeable and give her a solid "Hazel-type" role.

Leia: Ugh... I'm not sure I want to see much more of her next season. I say just let her play girlfriend in Danny's plots.

Derek: ummm... no.

Danny: He needs more screentime! I hope he rises to academic success, realizes he has grown apart from Leia and brakes up with her before graduation where he is named valedictorian. I'd also like to see more leadership stuff and more Danny/Jane friendship moments.

Sav: Focused on his music; family life with Alli; Sav's feelings about Johnny. Secretly, I want him to just take the brother role with Alli and the best friend role with Danny and stay away the rest of the time.

Spinner: Making plans with Jane for after graduation. Him hanging out with Holly J and Jay. Taking on the "Yoda role" to guide the young high school students. Oh yes, and more drunken scenes, those are always good.

KC: I'd like to see more about his past like what actually happened when he stole the car and maybe his family life before. I want him to open up to Clare and develop his friendship with Connor. I think basketball will play a big part in his story next season. Hopefully we'll see him working with the team and more on his budding rivalry with Reese. I also want to see him dealing with his temper (I'd hate to see that start and drop with ToG). Finally, some mini-fights with Clare would be nice. So long as they make up ♥

Clare: I think the writers should focus on Clare dealing with a relationship for the first time. I keep using the word "support" but I think Clare could be a great source of it. Not only for KC, but for Alli and Connor as well. I'd like to see Clare's reaction to learning more about KC's past as well.

Connor: Give him his own plot! I think he should persue a relationship with Nessa. I'd like to see how his AS plays into this. I also want more KC/Connor friendship and more with him and basketball.

Alli: The writers should explore a little more about how her school life and relationship with Johnny clashes with her home life. I think everyone wants to see Sav's reaction to Jalli- I don't know why the writers haven't explored that angle at all. I also want more Clare/Alli friendship and more scenes of Alli with Connor. I think those two are so funny together.

Johnny: I love where they took his character this season. I'd like to see more Jalli scenes from his perspective instead of always from Alli's POV. Also I think it's time we learn more about him and his backstory.

Bruce: My favorite Bruce scenes were the ones from HoG. They should show more of him being the buddy-buddy comic relief.

Blue: He really needs to be developed into his own character. I think he is pretty much where KC was at the beginning of the season. Now Blue needs a good episode or two to tell us who he is. Other than that I can't wait to see more of his scenes with Holly J.

Riley: I love where they took his character this season! I think season 9 should focus on Riley accepting the fact that he is gay. I hope we see more Piley scenes as well. Now that the football season is over I think the focus should be taken off sports and hopefully we get to see more of Riley in social settings. Also I want him and Anya to be friends again. I hope Peter can smooth things over.

Jane: Another character with tons of development this season. I hope to see more of her and her family (mainly Jane and Lucas scenes). I also think she should tell Spinner about her father at some point and maybe show how she has been dealing with the molestation. I'd also like to see her interact with Holly J more. I feel like they could be friends.

Kelly: yeah...ummmm... is he coming back next season?

Mr. Simpson: haha~ I dunno about Mr.S plots, but how about more scenes of him with Connor?]

Reese: I really want to see him have a rivalry with KC. I think his brief meeting with Clare was actually set up for interaction with KC later on.

Nessa: I really hope she and Connor have a relationship. Even if it's a slow one. I'd like to see her join our Niner foursome. My secret wish is that she'll have a friendship with Clare. Clare needs some one to go to basketball games with (oh yes! I've really thought this basketball thing through. Let's hope the writers have too).

Grace: I'd like to see her expand as a character. I get the feeling she may get involved with Alli. I can see her being the new Alex.

Extra Character Notes:
- The writers also need to fix the "it girl click". The Niner's friendship has really revealed just how makeshift and shallow the junior's friendship is. If these are the characters who will go on to carry the show. They better do something to change that.

- I'd like to Sav and Anya break up for real. I think their relationship is killing any chance the two of them have for real character development.

- I secretly want to see Johnny get roped into a double date with Alli and Klare. It would be the shame of his life! Plus I'm curious what Johnny/KC interaction would be like.

- I can't express how psyched I am for the upcoming basketball scenes I know will be happening... I have a thing about basketball ~

- For the Niners S8 was mainly focused on the girls. I hope the boys get more screen time next season *crosses fingers*

Well, that's all folks. See you again in season 9!


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