[PUBLIC] Degrassi 818: Danger Zone

Apr 16, 2009 10:37

Actually this entry is not quite a week late! I would have written a review sooner, but this episode was so good I've been rewatching it all week. I also put this off because this is the last regular episode review of the season (since I'm counting the movie as something seperate all together). But for a season finale this was perfect. I hope this is a sign that season 9 will be full of good quality like this too.

On a seperate note, since Degrassi is now done for the season and I want to keep my review skills sharp I'll be reviewing Sonny With A Chance for the rest of the season. It works for me because like Degrassi, SWAC airs on Sundays as well so I don't even have to change my schedual.
(wow! How lazy does that make me sound?! >.<)

The last two degrassi posts for the season will be the movie and the S8 wrap up/S9 speculation post.

I will warn you. To balence out last week's review which was extra short, this one is extra long >.<

Disclaimer: This entry contains SPOILERS!

Degrassi: TNG episode 8x18: Danger Zone
A-Plot Summary: Holly J is secretly harboring a crush on her boss Spinner and starts picking up extra shifts in order to see him. But when an annoying customer turns out to be a robber, Holly J must keep calm in order to save herself, and the guy she loves.

A-Plot Opinions: This was awesome! Charlotte's acting wasn't as great as usual, but she doesn't need to bring her A-game to be outstanding. This was a great way to end the season because it really brought all the character development Holly J has had this season to a kind of climax. I think Shane did an amazing job too.

One of the nice things about this episode was that Spinner got shot before the 10 minute mark. This may not seem like good thing, but I think Degrassi is at it's best when they deal with "aftermath situations". They did this with Alli in Heart of Glass too and you can see how well this works for them. I think that this also allowed for the shock factor to clear and we get to see how these events are going to change these characters.

You get to see this with the hospital scene, which was my favorite from A-plot.

This episode really handled both of Holly J ships really well. I liked the idea of Spolly J from day 1, but I'm glad it was one sided. They make better friends anyway. I can see why she fell for him though. Their interactions are really cute. I liked how Spin kept calling her J and when he said that people can't see her cool side. That was great. I only wish they had shown more of the crush build up. I think it makes so much sence, but it would have been so much better if they had dropped a few hints earlier. I'm glad that they'll stay friends. At first I thought Spin was just good for Holly J, but now I think they both take a little from their relationship. I'd like to see more of them together next season.

At first I wasn't sure how I felt about Blue, but after this episode I like him a lot more. He has really annoyed me all season because he hasn't really done enough on his own to be a regular cast member in my opinion, but I'm a little more forgiving. Jordan is actually a good actor, so that helps his case. I liked when Peter and Sav show up and ask him what happened. His expression was so sweet and caring. I think he really does like Holly J a lot. I think it's cute that he called her Holly at the dance too (and she didn't get mad). I thought it was pretty cute since Blue calls her Holly and Spinner calls her J- haha.

I think that'll end up liking Blue J a lot if we get to see more of them next season. Holly J is the queen of crushes so seeing her in a relationship for once could be a lot of fun.

The clapping at the dance was a little cheesy but the girl did deserve props, so... I'll let it slide this time! It was also a nice parallel to the "I hate Holly J" chant from Heat of the Moment. Considering Degrassi usually doesn't have any continuity this season has been full of it.

B-Plot Summary: Clare and KC have been fighting ever since Conner revealed KC's criminal past. Connor's not sure how to fix their relationship so he locks them in a room together so they can work it out themselves.

B-Plot Opinions: I can't lie, this was my favorite plot of the episode. KC and Clare finally got together! *takes a fangirl moment* This whole plot with them was really cute. I think that their relationship this season was just developed really well and it's appropriate that they got together in the last regular episode.

I think a lot of people didn't like how long it took the two of them to actually go out. But to me it had to be that way. If they had started dating earlier in the season it would not have worked out because they didn't truly know each other yet. I think it was important that KC's past be revealed to Clare first because it showed that she really did like him for himself. Really that was what KC was afraid of anyway- that if Clare found out about him she would see him differently. Which is also why he acted the way he did in this episode (he was kinda being a jerk there). I also think that Clare accepting him completely will be really good for KC, from what he's said so far it seems like there aren't a lot of people in his life who do. We will probably learn more about that next season.

The kiss scene was adorable! I felt so bad for Clare at first when KC rejected her. But I think that was very in character for KC. It just showed how scared he is to let people in. She looked so sad after that though. My heart broke a little. It was pretty adorable when he told her she got it right though. I think that entire scene was perfect and really fit the two characters well. For most of the episode I think Sam had some trouble (acting wise) but he did a good job in this scene. I also really liked the song playing in the background. It was a good choice. The actual kiss was cute. It really felt like an awkward first kiss, which suits Klare really well. I loved how they both smiled after. It was also pretty great that Clare made the first move- you go girl! She really has come a long was since the beginning of the season. If KC and Clare had started dating when she was "old Clare", it just wouldn't have worked out as well. I think they are going to be a real couple to watch next season.

The kiss wasn't actually my favorite scene in this episode. I liked the scene right after when they both walk back into the gym holding hands. I love how they both look at each other still a little unsure. And they gave Connor "the nod" - awww!

Speaking of Connor- How awesome was he in this episode? I'm starting to love him! AJ has really improved since the beginning of the season and his acting in this episode was spot on. I think he does his best in a supporting role. I really liked Connor's logic in this episode. The locking doors thing was great because it was cute, naive, and made so much sense in a simplistic way. It was just so Connor. I also felt like the writers are starting to handle his AS better. He sees what's going on, but he can't quite understand the reasoning behind it. It's very appropriate actually. I think if the writers continue to underplay his AS the storyline could be really great.

Nice to see he has a love interest too! I was so happy that he's not going to be left out! To be honest we've been speculating for months now and I never would have guessed Nessa would actually be Connor's love interest. I think she's pretty cute. Yeah, I agree she looks young, but no younger than the freshmen that went to my high school. And considering most actors on this show are older than their characters.... *shrugs* If it's true that she'll be back for season 9 then I'm really happy. I think that showing how someone with AS deals with the social situations brought on by a relationship could be a great plotline for Connor.

I thought the "in like" comments were really cute because that's how I think of them too. It's cute that Alli pointed that out. I was glad Alli wasn't in too much of this episode because I don't want her character to get tired out to fast. But I always like when we see Connor-Alli interaction because they are in such different places. It always amuses me. I thought it was good that Connor repeated it back to Clare also. I love how it seemed like she wasn't sure if it was true.

Let's get back to Klare. I loved the scenes when they were fighting. They're really cute like that. They're both stubborn so they balence each other out well. I found it hilarious that Clare's explaination for why they fight basically equated to there being a lot of sexual tension between them. I'm glad they included this part because it just makes a lot sense considering where they left off in Touch of Grey.

The RISK shout out was also great. Not only because hey- it's RISK! But also because it fit so well with the theme for this episode. Not just for KC and Clare- although "risk" fits their relationship really well, but also for Holly J. For all of these characters the idea of putting yourself out there and being afraid that people won't accept the real you is a scary reality. But I like that aspect in all of them. For once I was glad to see a neatly wrapped up happy ending. They really deserved it.... unlike Pia...

C-Plot Summary: Peter is feeling loney now that the dance is approaching and he doesn't have a date. He tries to convince Mia that she is the one he truly loves, but she does not believe him. It might take a dangerous situation to bring the them together again.

C-Plot Opinions: Did we really need the wrapped up happy ending here? Did they really have to get back together for the movie? I swear if their realtionship is not plot relevant to Paradise City I'm going to slap someone. This episode would have been perfect if I didn't have to see Peter begging for Mia's forgiveness (ugh!). He actually said "I love you". They've only been dating a few months! I think the kids of Degrassi need to really learn the meaning of Love.

And why are Mia and Anya always shopping? I've always assumed Anya was rich, but shouldn't Mia be putting that money away for her (and Izzy's) college fund. Did you see all the bags they had? I've never know regular teenagers like that. The Mia/Anya friendship also annoys me because it's so superficial. I can't help but look at their friendship and laugh. (I secretly think one of the reasons I like the Niners so much is how real their friendship seems when compared to the juniors).

The Peter/Sav scenes were also pretty pathetic. Whenever I see Peter with Sav and Mia I just realize what a shell of the old Peter he has become. Can't we see him boxing with Riley some more? No wait! Can't we see him making videos of topless girls again- that was great! awww.... now I feel sad.

Sometimes Anya and Sav's relationship also amuses me. We really don't even know anything about them. The devlopment we got from them this season can't even compare to what we've seen from Klare or Jalli.

It's too bad this episode had a dumb C-plot like this. The episode was almost perfect. But even Pia wasn't enough to stop the awesomeness of Danger Zone. It was probably my favorite episode of the season.

Download link: http://www.zshare.net/video/58564924a051326d/

No speculation for the next episode because I'm just going to wait and review the movie after I watch it.
Next post will be speculation for season 9.


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