I got a palm pilot today. it's been sitting in my house unused for so long i just took it. hopefully no one gets mad. i always wanted one of these things. it's got the nice color display and other cool features. it'll be fun to play with in class
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so the trip to help my sister move from philidelpia, PA to fort wayne, IN went a little less than perfect. for those of you who don't know...i figured i'd write a little. ( Why does God like fucking with me? )
the urge to write has been returning. i've got a lot of things to say, i just don't know exactly what they are or how to write them.... be expecting poetry or something, cause i've got to get this pent up creativity out.
Two days, six friends, and twenty something bands. It was the most amazing couple of days I can remember, at least for the music loving part of my memory
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i dunno. i just feel like i do things and people take them out of hand or something. then things get blown out of proportion. people begin to question everything we ever were, which is way more than should happen
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edit so i was pretty angery that chelly and amber thought i would ever put them down like that. i wrote a post that was kind of mean, kind of agressive and what not. either way, i talked to them and things seem to be fine. a miscommunication.
things are ok now, just like chelly said. and hopefully we've learned from this and won't do it again.