in thirteen hours i will be on a plane headed to Kansas City to see Sarah! yayayayayayyayayayayayayayyayayayayayayyaayyaayyayayayyyayayayayyyayayayayyayyyayyyaya
i got a raise today! and my boss also decided to make me cranky. i apologized to one of my co workers and he said that it was ok cause the boss man brings out the worst in people. Then i beat the crap out of a piece of alabaster stone in art with an air powered chisel yay!
On friday at the Verity room on topanga cyn just south of saticoy. there will be a concert. this concert involves my band The Seekers. The Verity room is inside the Guitar Merchant. Cover is $10. And the whole show starts at 7:30 pm
if you live in the area you better be there! if you dont ceiling cat will smite you!
well i decided i was tired of they way my layout looked and so i tried to find one of those fancy smancy layouts with pretty pictures and then i just decided to look through all the ready made ones that they have on lj and i chose this one. and i got new icons cause i got bored with some of my old ones i might get more. *runs off to google icons*