
Jul 08, 2008 01:38

Quote#4: Why do we say "I'm ok" whenever we get hurt? Is it because we're brave enough to handle the pain? Or is it because it's our way of pretending we're fine, even though we're totally broken.

Pairing: Pete/Patrick aka Peterick


"Patrick are you ok?"

"I'm fine."

So Pete just shrugs it off and continues talking about his wedding plans with Ashlee over the phone. But despite Patrick's reply, the way he feels right now si the complete opposite. Pete doesn't notice a thing about the change in Patrick's behavior ever since Pete announced that he's going to get married. Patrick wasn't trying hard at making it obvous, but he wished Pete would realize that no, he's not okay.


Pete is out somewhere. Patrick didn't bother knowing where he went. He laid lifelessly on the couch staring out into space. His other bandmates weren't surprised; all of them knew how Patrick feels about Pete except Pete himself.

Suddenly Patrick spoke up.

"I need someone to fix my broken heart."

"Want me to bring out the glue gun?" Joe asked teasingly.

"Not helping."

"You could always tell him." Andy helpfully suggested.

"And ruin his wedding? I can't do that."

"It's either that or don't do anything and forget it which is gonna cause you agonizing pain."

"Or you could go back in time and prevent Pete from meeting Ashlee at all" Joe jokingly added.

Patrick glares at Joe.

Joe shrugs. "I'm just trying to make you laugh."

"I appreciate the effort." Patrick said sarcastically.

"But seriously man, I agree with Andy."

Patrick sighs continues to stare into space.


"So what do you think Patrick? Patrick?" Pete turned to look worriedly at Patrick.

"Huh? Oh, sorry, I wasn't paying attention. You were saying?" Patrick readjusted his glasses, ready to listen.

"You seem to space out more often these days, Trick. Wanna tell me what's wrong?"

Patrick considers about telling him, but the words were out of his mouth even before he got to decide.


Pete looked questioningly at Patrick. Well, there's no going back now, thought Patrick.

"Everything's wrong...it's because I tried to hide my feelings...I'm a stupid coward and I didn't even try to fight for the one I...


Blue-green eyes meet chocolate brown ones.

Then everything became clear for Pete; Patrick's abrupt change in behavior and spacing out, it's because...

"I really like you Pete. I love you."

Both of them stood in silence, until Patrick blurted out,

"I'm sorry, I ruined everything. I should never have said that. I'm such a jerk." and left the room. Pete followed him.

"Hey! You're not a jerk, I'm the one who's a jerk for not realizing right away." Pete held Patrick's arm to stop him from leaving. "And who said you've ruined everything? I'm still gonna have an awesome wedding."

"So you don't have any feelings for me?"

Pete shakes his head. "Patrick, you must've realized by now that you are my bestest friend and you will always have this special place inside my heart that no girl--even Ashlee--can ever replace." This made Patrick smile for the first time in days.

"Thanks, Pete. That really meant a lot." Pete smiled and hugged Patrick.

"Anything for you, Trick."

So deep inside Patrick is still broken, but now he doesn't pretend he's fine anymore, because right now he really is.


There's actually a bonus scene that continues this, but I think it has nothing to do with the quote, so I'll post it in another post.
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