Being alive and feeling alive just isn't the same (or, all the ways Sam Tyler broke my little heart)

Sep 19, 2007 12:19

That goes without saying, but I loved it. Loved this episode, loved the series, loved the characters, loved the way it's told, and filmed, and the way it sounds. EVERYTHING. My love, it is big. ♥

My spoilery thoughts on LoM's finale, let me show you them. )

john simm owns my heart, life on mars

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Comments 11

pilihalliwell September 19 2007, 18:23:17 UTC
Se me han saltado las lágrimas leyendo esto.
Porque Sam, es que me da una pena y una alegría al mismo tiempo ese final.
Lo que más pena me da de la serie es que él se lleva diciendo todo el tiempo que quiere volver a casa porque echa de menos a la gente a la que quiere, pero en verdad no tiene a nadie. Los únicos que lo visitan son su madre y su tía. La novia para dejarlo (guarraaa) y además las cosas no iban bien con ella desde el principio de la serie. Y el que lo quería matar.

Así que despierta y sólo está su madre, los del trabajo pasan de él, no tiene amigos porque ha vivido siempre para el trabajo, por eso no iban las cosas bien con su novia. Y no tiene nada ni a nadie, y la posibilidad de ser feliz en un mundo imaginario parece perfecta en un momento así.

Me da pena también la madre que no se ha enterado de nada.

Amo a Sam Tyler!!


nekare September 20 2007, 18:20:30 UTC
Exacto, se la pasa tanto tiempo sufriendo por volver a 'casa' solo para darse cuenta que no tiene a nadie. Y si, es triste pensar que en serio pensó que no habría otra forma de ser feliz para el otra que morir, pero al mismo tiempo, pues, nos la hemos pasado tanto tiempo adorando a toda esa gente que es figmento de su imaginación que simplemente te da alegría que haya regresado.

Aaaaah, Sam Tyler, como lo voy a extrañar, en serio que me conquistó todita. ;___;


slowtuesdays September 19 2007, 18:45:58 UTC
someone commiting suicide and turn into somewhat of a positive thing is a scary thing to do but so well portrayed

YES, who would have thought, right? I watched that scene over and over and over again afterwards. And I had expected the song to play somewhere in the show, but putting it there, the whole song, was pure brilliance. And I had completely forgotten about the difference in colours (it's been so long since I've seen it, sob!). I think, aside from the suicide moment, my biggest gasp came at the very end with the little girl. I had thought that they had forgotten about her, silly me!


nekare September 21 2007, 18:40:55 UTC
Oh man, yes - the song couldn't have fitted better than in that precise moment. And haha, yeah! I grinned when I saw the girl, even if she was still pretty creepy.

It's just - I can't get over how incredibly GOOD this series is. ♥


mellafe September 19 2007, 20:32:04 UTC
all I knew was that Sam would jump off the roof
I went in knowing the same thing, and it still worked. I was thinking WTFWTF throughout the episode. THAT is good.

The song brings so much more to the story and the feeling of that ending. It's perfection.

I keep thinking that it ended up being a lot like Neverwhere, which is my favorite book ever, so of course I liked the finale. :p


nekare September 21 2007, 18:56:45 UTC
Yes! I love a show that keeps me questioning myself and that doesn't give anything away. ♥

It so is. I can't think of another moment in which it would've fitted better than that one, oh no. *sings along*

I thought of that as well, and it's so archetypical, isn't? The hero comes home after yearning after it for time on end only to realize his life there is mediocre and unfulfilling. Hehe, favoritest book ever? Cool, my favorite of Neil's is Amerian Gods (or if one can consider it a book, then Sandman).


mellafe September 21 2007, 19:03:53 UTC
Exactly! Otherwise, why watch? Unless it continues to never give me any sort of answer or data to move forward. Then I just can't be arsed to keep watching.

It is! But then I tend to link my favorite things to other good things so Neverwhere was about to come up. I think I posted about Sam being Richard, Annie was Door and Gene was the Marquis de Carabas. It worked out sooo pretty too. Hahaha.

I haven't finished American Gods yet. I think I have about 20 more pages to go. I kinda don't want to finish it, but then I have Anansi Boys waiting for me. :p


nekare September 24 2007, 16:16:26 UTC
That... sounds oddly remniscent of Lost. Brilliant at first, it just got TIRESOME after a while. *shrug* And that's why LoM is so incredibly good - it just has the perfect balance between ever constant mystery and giving answers.

Oh man, it DOES fit! Especially Sam being Richard although not as... loser-y, lol.

...And I JUST realized that the girl that plays Door in the miniseries, Laura Fraser, is Henriette in Casanova. I KNEW I'd seen her before, lol. Woah, what a fandom mixup, though XD

Fiiiiinish it. It's so very awesome. (And I kept on giggling madly while reading Anansi Boys, heee.)


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