So I added into my feed the number of comments on an entry, and annoyingly this seems to have caused all my entries to jump to the top. Which would suggest that any time a comment is added to an entry, that entry will jump to the top, except that they didn't actually all jump to the top. Not clear to me what's going on. But I'll try this for a
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Comments 5
Normally if I update an entry (and therefore change the content of the entry) it does not cause any livejournal funkiness.
I shall take this as proof of the Intorweb hating me.
(On a side note, are there movies that you don't like? *grin*)
And yes, there do exist (admittedly few) movies that I don't like, and very occasionally I even happen to see one of them! I don't think that's happened since I started posting my movie reviews in my blog, but one of the last few movie reviews that went into my now-defunct journal was rather negative...
wow, your icon looks younger. ;)
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