No really. I never thought I'd find it there because there are so many of them and they look all fake, but this seller has 100% reliability feedback and it looked like a lot of other people purchased the SAME box from her before. So my guess is she's got some used store or something? She's in Florida and her username starts with melinda I can't remember the rest of it. She replied to my email really quickly, and shipping was SUPER fast.
It was the first time I went to that animal hospital. When I left, I made sure to take her card for future reference. She was really sweet and awesome when we were there and had to take the difficult decision. I'd like to get her for a vet when I get another cat some day, but I'm not sure if she's a care giver, or only works in the emergency section of the hospital~
Comments 6
and omg where did you get that boxset? @_@
No really. I never thought I'd find it there because there are so many of them and they look all fake, but this seller has 100% reliability feedback and it looked like a lot of other people purchased the SAME box from her before. So my guess is she's got some used store or something? She's in Florida and her username starts with melinda I can't remember the rest of it. She replied to my email really quickly, and shipping was SUPER fast.
I wish she'd sell the other boxsets xD
But she is awesome indeed! :)
Also, P.S: check out my latest entry sometime! I got something :D :D :D
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