Title : Metro Station Pairing : Ohmiya, Sakuraiba, Toma/? Rating : PG-13 Genre : Romance, fluff, Comedy, Drama Warning : Genderswitch ^^ Summary : Kazumi wants to be a writer but her work got rejected again and on her way back home, a stranger made her fall in the metro station. Note : Hey ! I'm finally back after [go check the date of the last chapter post] wow ! more than a month ! ^^" Sorry to be so late, i had trouble to write as i had to study for my exams and then take a break after that and finally finish this new chapter. Sorry again and please enjoy it ^^
Kazumi did not understand. She did not understand what could be going on in Ohno-san's head right now as they were dining together for the second time. The young man was always very calm, from what she could see. But tonight he had hardly opened his mouth when they had spent hours talking to each other on the phone the other day. Perhaps it was because of that, perhaps they had nothing more to say to each other? "No" she said to herself. There was something else. The young man seemed colder, more distant when he was so excited about the date. Something was wrong.
She had ordered her usual dish and he had followed her without even paying attention to the menu. If, at first, she had thought it was because he had almost a blind trust in her, now she was convinced that it was only to abbreviate the meal.
She was upset, of course, because she had been thinking for some time that something might have started between them, but she was especially upset because beyond a non-shared romance, Ohno-san was showing a lack of respect for her who had invited her to dine at a restaurant she was particularly fond of. The silence became heavy. She had to say something to make him react.
- Ohno-san? Something is wrong ? She asked, trying to keep calm. - No. Everything is fine. He snapped quickly back to his phone screen.
And it was a failure. Kazumi took a deep breath, clenching her fists under the table. "What's wrong with him suddenly ?!" Thought she. He was always so kind, so caring and he never lost his smile to her before. Why had it changed all of a sudden? Maybe it was her fault, maybe she was wrong about their relationship. No, no, no, that man was not the one she had on the phone a few days ago. Contrary to what he said, everything wasn't fine.
The waiter put an end to her mental conflict by bringing their dishes, but what made her suffer the most was to notice that Ohno-san was again kind and friendly, but not to her. That smile he had sent to the waiter thanking him, he was not addressing it to her anymore. He was cold only with her, it was her, the problem.
What could she have done? She wanted to cry, scream, but restrained herself because they were not alone and that anyway, her body refused to obey. Ohno-san lost his smile as soon as the waiter went away and he began to eat without a glance at the young woman. She stared at him for a long moment and then imitated him. At least eating made her busy. But although the hamburger she ordered was her favorite dish, tonight the appetite was not there and she left more than half on her plate. The architect did not flinch of course. Kazumi stared at him for long minutes, still hoping that he would become the man she had known, the one she was in love with. And she ends up getting fed up. She angrily threw a handful of bank notes on the table, probably too much to pay for both meals but she didn't care, the anger kept her from being stingy, and got up to leave the restaurant without a look from Ohno-san in her direction.
- Who wants an extra skewer? Toma asked happily, who was assigned to the barbecue. - Meeeeee! His wife said with a broad smile, holding out her plate. - Jun-chan, your doctor and I have already told you, you must be careful not to take too much weight for the sake of the baby, it is already the fourth skewer you eat today.
The publisher frowned behind her glasses and gave her husband big eyes.
- Send me this skewer before I tear your balls off. She said in a sinister tone that made Toma obey on the spot.
Satisfied with her, the young woman threw herself hungrily on her meat under the vague gaze of Satoshi in front of her.
- Satoshi? - Hum? Replied the architect, out of his thoughts. - Do you want the last? - No thanks. I've eaten enough. - Oh oh ! Love sickness cuts your appetite? Asked Jun. - Urusai. He said in an exasperated tone. - Oi! You don't talk to Jun-chan like that! - Honey, I can defend myself, shut up and eat. She told her husband who was sitting next to her to eat, too - Sorry my love.
Jun turned back to their friend.
- Don't speak to me like that.
Satoshi rolled his eyes.
- Oh, I know one who is grumpy, he probably needs a nap after lunch. Or he just needs to confide. So ? - I have nothing to say. - Don't kidding me. Something happened ? - I went to dine with my parents last Friday, and told them that I didn't want to marry Airi just when my mother was going to take out the cloth samples for the napkins. - Finally ! And what did they say? Toma asked. - My mother refuses and the wedding will take place in 3 months in August. I guess you will not be there since it is in this area that Jun is supposed to give birth but my mother refuses to change the date and anyway I don't advise you to come and see it. - Are you fucking kidding us? - No, but if you want to come, try to arrange with her. - We don't care about your stupid wedding date! You haven't even struggled a bit to avoid this marriage taking place? - I thought about it. What's the point of fighting for something that may not be happening? Because, as far as I know, there was never any question between Ninomiya-san and me that we were going out together. I prefer to give up before losing my time. - You lie ! - It's you who says it. - No, she's right. You're lying to us, Satoshi. After all that you have entrusted to us, I don't believe a word of what you are saying now. - I don't lie ! - But it's you who said that she was full of qualities, that she was natural and that it was a woman like her that you wanted to share your life! You said you were in love and you wanted to get to know her, what are you doing with all this? - I don't love her anymore, Toma, my feelings have changed. - Not hers. Said Jun. - How can you know about this? - She told me when we met and talked about her text. It's obvious that it reflects her feelings for you! - Stop making movies. She told you that so that you publish her book, none has been accepted yet and she is desperate, she would do anything to ...
Satoshi could not continue his sentence because the pregnant woman had slapped him violently.
- Since you're stupid enough to trample the feelings of a woman who loves you like a rubbish, be happy with your little housewife because you don't deserve someone like Kazumi-chan! She spat before returning to the house.
Her husband was now staring at him threateningly as he picked up the plates.
- Go home, Satoshi. I think it's better. Toma said dryly. Since you think so much we are idiots ... You're not even honest with yourself. - Toma ... - Get out ! Shouted his friend.
Satoshi did not pray and got up to go home. In view of the anger of his two friends, only God knows when he would be allowed back in their house.
Toma found his wife lying in bed, her eyes closed, a hand resting on her belly, obviously trying to calm down. He approached and sat down on the edge of the bed to stroke her cheek with his fingertips. She opened her eyes, anger was still visible. Her husband took her free hand in his and kissed it.
- Are you okay ? - Hum. She answered before closing her eyes. - You must not put yourself in such anger, Mini Jun-chan must not appreciate. - I know, my stomach contracts a little bit. - Are you sure that's okay? Do you want me to call the doctor? - No, it's okay, I just have to rest, and especially to stop getting upset over this moron, it's already subsiding. - Alright.
Toma walked around the bed and climbed up to sit next to her and slide his hand over her stomach.
- She's still kicking. He whispered. - Hum. She needs to let off steam.
The young man leaned down and kissed his wife's cheek with tenderness.
- Satoshi left? She asked. - Yes, I asked him to leave. - Thanks God. I wonder what's taking him ... He could not give up Kazumi-chan like that or at least he can't stop loving her all of a sudden! Lie to us like that and then treat her as desperate I ... aah! He didn't steal this slap, it itched! - Calm down, I understand but on the other hand, we don't know what happened at his parents, probably they found a way to make him obey. Blackmail maybe? - We are his best friends, why he does not tell us anything then? - Yeah he's a real moron. I'll see him in the office on Monday. We'll see if he talks. - This story annoys me to the highest degree. She sighed. - Me too, don't think anymore about it for the moment.
Jun turned in the direction of her husband to snuggle against his chest although the baby takes a lot of room between them. Toma felt a flick of fear in her grip on his t-shirt as he wrapped his arms around her.
- Would you be able to give up on me?
The architect giggled and slipped his fingers into his wife's long hair.
- Of course not, I love you more than anything in the world Jun-chan, you are my best friend, my wife, my soulmate, the mother of all my future babies ... - Don't pack up, we'll first have the one in my tummy right now before thinking about the potential followings. She said, pinching her husband's arm. - In short, I love you Jun-chan, I can't give up on you except if it's to let you save your life. This is the only valid reason.
The publisher suddenly took hold of her lips with love, cutting Toma's breath, then stuck her forehead to his, a few tears running down her face.
- Are you crying again? He asked in a soft voice. - No ... It's the baby ...
The young man smiled and pulled the glasses off his wife's nose to dry her tears with his thumbs before sealing their lips again.
- Do you think that Satoshi's family has threatened to kill Ninomiya-san? Toma asked as though he had a sudden revelation.
Jun laughed and slapped the head of his beloved.
- Stop your nonsense!
- Sho-chan ... - Nani? - What's your opinion? - How could I know?
Masaki sighed sadly as he cleared the table and held onto his sister's barely-seared plate.
- It's been a week since she is very sad and she eats little, you know how she is usually, almost as gluttony as you. - Thank you. Sho said falsely upset. - It's a statement, nothing more. Don't look at me like that, Sho-chan.
Masaki emptied the leftovers in the trash and handed the plate to his lover who was running the water in the sink for the dishes.
- Maybe she needs her big brother. Said this one. If you go see her and you talk to her, maybe she'll tell you what's wrong. - Hum. I'll go right after.
The young man grabbed a towel and prepared to wipe plates.
- No, no, let me, you often do it alone and Kazumi-chan needs you. Smiles the reporter.
The teacher answered his smile and kissed his lover before removing his apron he hooked to his usual hook on the wall of the kitchen.
- You're the best, Sho-chan! - I know I know. Laughed the concerned, getting a pat on the head before Masaki leaves the room.
The young man reached the door of his sister's room and knocked twice. No answer. He repeated the action.
- Kazu?
A slight growl reached his ears. At least his sister was not dead.
- I enter.
And he opened the door. The room was not lit, the curtains were drawn and in a corner of the room a shapeless mass stood on the office chair facing a laptop computer and two hands typing on the keyboard. Masaki pulled the switch to his left, sighing. His sister then turned to him and glared at him.
- Don't you see I'm busy? She squeaked.
His brother sat on the bed.
- What I see especially is that you rolled in a ball under a blanket on your office chair in the darkness moreover. - I'm a little cold and the light of the pc is enough for me, that's all.
Obviously, she was lying.
- What do you want ? She continued. - Talk, it's been a week that you don't look well. - I have nothing to say. She said turning to her keyboard. - Stop, I know it's wrong.
The young woman froze then sighed by folding the screen of her computer to face her brother again, the blanket that covered her head was now slipping from her shoulder, giving her some fun look despite the situation.
- What's wrong ? - Nothing. Can I go back to my writing now? - Seriously. Masaki insisted.
He saw Kazumi lower her head to the ground a few seconds before answering.
- Last Saturday I went to the restaurant with Ohno-san. - It went wrong?
She laughed bitterly.
- In your opinion ? - What has happened ? - It happened that he ignored me during the whole meal, that he was extremely cold with me and that I left as fast as I could leaving the money on the table. Since then, he has not answered my messages when it does not concern the work and we have not seen each other since this fiasco. - You asked him what was wrong? - Of course I asked him! He replied that everything was fine and did not even look up from his phone to answer me! And the worst part was that when someone else was talking to him, he instantly became polite, courteous and smiling. I was ashamed, if you knew. In addition the first time we ate together, everything was great and as we kept in touch, I ...
The young woman had been interrupted in her remarks by a cascade of tears streaming down her face. Seeing this, his brother's heart tore in two and he waved her to join him. Kazumi got up from her chair, freeing himself once and for all from her cocoon made of blanket and went to snuggle up against Masaki who rocked her gently while she put her emotions back into place.
- I don't understand. Two days before, we spent the evening on the phone, we laughed, we told a lot of things ... he was so nice to me, I was convinced that my feelings were reciprocal, I thought that it could go well ... she said in a voice somewhat muffled by crying. - I'm sorry, Kazu-chan. At least tell yourself that your relationship has not really started yet. After a month, a year, two years of real relationship, it would probably have been much worse and much harder to recover. Don't let yourself wither for him, you'll find much better later, I'm sure. - You think ? -Yes, there are lots of others, men on this earth, you will fall in love again.
The young woman did not seem convinced.
- No, I can't forget him. she said after a long moment of silence. I love him, Masaki ... - Of course you can't forget him but someday you will make a reason and then you will meet a man you will love even more, you will marry him, you will have children and grandchildren and great-grandchildren ... - It's ok, I understood the idea, Mas'. She said with a chuckle. Can you leave me now? I really wouldn't want to interrupt the course of my ideas any longer. - Ok, little sister. I'm going to see how many plates Sho-chan has broken.
Masaki kissed his sister on the forehead and then got up to leave the room while the young woman returned to her screen. Before going out, he gave her a last look. His face was sad again, but he still hoped that their conversation had really sorted things out and that Kazumi would soon be smiling again.
Returning to the kitchen, he found his lover on the phone facing the window and therefore, back to him. The phone call ended almost immediately and Sho looked upset as he turned to finish the dishes. But when he saw Masaki in the doorway, the smile, which the teacher thought was slightly forced, returned to his face.
- Don't worry, I finish and after that I'm all yours. He said. - Who was it ? - Oh ... just work, little worries with the editors, nothing interesting. He assured by widening his smile a bit before grabbing a plate in the sink filled with soapy water. - I see, said Masaki unconvinced, I'll take a bath, you join me after?
Sho answered in the affirmative and his boyfriend went to run the water in the bathtub without a word more.
Sitting at his desk at work, Kazumi was busy sorting out some documents for her boss. Boss who today had an appointment with the architects responsible for the new hotel. In other words: Ohno-san and his partner.
The appointment was fixed at 3 pm. In half an hour then. The secretary didn't really want to have him in front of her eyes again but she didn't really have the choice she would make with it. When she finished her task, she put the stack of papers on a corner of her desk and moved on.
About 20 minutes later, Ohno-san and his associate pushed the door to his office. He carried plans rolled under his arm, pulled his head to the floor and didn't give her single glance, it was Ikuta-san who spoke to her with a broad smile.
- Hello, we have an appointment. He said. - Please follow me. She answered, getting up to lead them inside her boss's office.
When she left them with Kuwabara-san, she slipped into a corner of the room to make tea while they were discussing business. Ohno-san seemed to have softened again and the warm tone of his voice that she had missed so much did her good, a good yet painful knowing he was not addressing her any more. She went to serve them tea and again he didn't even look at her, hardly thanked her and went straight back into his discussion of the plans he had brought.
The young woman did not waste more time and slipped away with her tray to return to her chair. The two architects came out at the end of the afternoon, Ohno-san first, who passed without a look or even a goodbye, and Ikuta-san then watched as his friend and coworker ran away from him with annoyance before making a big smile to Kazumi and greeting her. Maybe he knew. That's why the young woman rushed after him out of her office.
- Ikuta-san!
The young man turned to her but not only, Ohno-san too, just before turning around with embarrassment as he saw Kazumi and continued on his way to the elevator.
- I'm waiting for you on the parking lot, Toma. He said dryly. - Hum. Replied the latter as the secretary approached him. - You seem to have forgotten something in my boss's office and ... She broke off when she saw the elevator doors close behind Ohno-san. Ok, he's gone. Ikuta-san I assume you know that your friend and I have seen each other a few times. I was wondering ... if you knew why he's been like this for some time? - You mean cold, insensitive and rude? I don't know, my wife doesn't know, the whole world doesn't know. He doesn't say anything. - I see. She said, disappointed. - I am sorry. Said the architect. He pisses us off since this weekend, it's a little tense between us. Excuse me if I could seem angry at you right now. - It's nothing, I understand. I'm not going to delay you any longer, I just wanted to ask you the question, I'm trying to ask him by message but ... oh, forget that. Good evening. - Good evening. He answered before heading to the elevators and Kazumi to her office.
"I'm well advanced ..." she thought as she dropped into her chair and stared at the ceiling without really seeing it. "Maybe I should just forget about him and move on, as Mas' said..."
Today, Monday evening, Sho dressed in his presenter's costume stared at his reflection in the mirror while his hair and makeup were being arranged before he passed in front of the camera.
- You seem upset, Sakurai-san. Miura, his hairstylist, remarked. - Oh, no, no, it's nothing, don't worry. He said with a smile.
Of course there was something but it was in the private domain and he tried not to talk about it too much at work. It was the phone call he had received the day before. It was not his job as he had told Masaki but his mother.
His mother had asked him, for the umpteenth time since 2 years, when he was going to come to present to her and his father the person who shared his life. But little problem, he had never told them he was living with a man.
His family was rather traditional, he had never dared to tell them that he loved men and as he had just moved to Tokyo for his studies, it was not really a problem especially because he had never been involved in a serious relationship.
Then he had met Masaki and everything had changed. He wanted to say nothing to his parents but after a year of relationship he finally confessed without really wanting it that he had someone in his life and now, his mother insisted more and more.
The night before, he had made the decision that it was time to tell them the truth. After all, what could they do? But Sho could tell himself he was not very inclined to put it into practice, especially because it was first necessary to tell Masaki while for his part, the mother, the sister and the father-in-law of his lover had perfectly accepted him in the family.
The young man sighed internally not to alert his entourage again and found that the hairdresser and the makeup artist were done with him.
- Sakurai-san, it's up to you in 10 minutes. Came to announce him a member of the staff still novice in the trade. - Hai. He answered, getting up to follow him.