(no subject)

Aug 25, 2005 22:15

Where do I get these from? *slaps self* . Honestly. I must stop being random eventually. I’m drabbling in an attempt to make my muses go to sleep. This bunny nibbled at me, so I knocked something out to make it go away.

Title: Jealous Guy
Author: fc2001
Rating: FRT
Disclaimer: Without Prejudice. The names of all characters contained here in are the property of Michael Crichton, John Wells etc etc etc. No Infringements of these copyrights are intended, and are used here without permission.
Content Warning: None.

Jealous Guy

He sank his head into his hands, watching his roommate work. Watching her patient…was that flirting with her? Hell, was she…? Playing along! She was. He recognised that body language.

He gritted his teeth, fist pressed against his jawbone. His vision flashed red. Why was this bothering him? This wasn’t concern. He wasn’t worried for her. This was definitely not platonic.

He didn’t get like this over girls. Especially not girls he worked with. And lived with.

Neela was different. Ugh. Cliché alert, Barnett. Pull yourself together.

He screwed his eyes shut, finally giving the feeling in the pit of his stomach a name. Jealousy. Envy.

This was bad.

Green was not his colour.
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