Newbie bearing a fic!

Jun 02, 2005 23:30

Hi, everyone!

I have posted occasional comments in here, so you might recognize the username. My name's Melanie (Mel for short), and I've been a Roomie fan since she first got pissed at him in that winter ep where he ditched his patients to go to a gig.

I think it might actually happen, guys. Here's hoping. :)

And here's my first Roomie fic. Hope you guys enjoy. ::bites nails nervously::

by Melanie Lakey
Rating: FRM (Fan Rated Suitable for Mature Persons)
Disclaimer: Without Prejudice. The names of all characters contained herein are the property of the copyright holder of "ER." No infringements of these copyrights are intended, and said characters are used here without permission.
Content Warning: SC, P (sexual content, profanity)
Author's Notes: Response to shadow_diva's challenge to write a Ray/Neela drabble (100 words or less) as part of an overall drabble challenge I asked for. Hope it pleases.

Shitty night, but the arcade stayed open twenty-four hours.

Ray beat Morris and Abby at pinball with the sweet rhythm that had earned his PlayStation on Al's old machine, where he'd killed boredom back home.

It had shocked him when Neela of all people topped him, laughing as her dark hair fell into her eyes, sticking out her tongue at his gaping wonder.

He reclaimed that rhythm later with her panting beneath him, but the best part was her laughter. It rang in his ears when she climbed on top, and it drove him insane as it vibrated around him.

Edited because whoever wrote those disclaimers isn't so good at spelling and grammar.
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