Nov 07, 2011 22:46
Oh em geee you guys. (yes I just said that)
I spent from the 4th to the 6th in Brisbane at the SUPANOVA convention. You guys, I got to TOUCH Colin Morgan. And Billy Boyd. And Renee O'Connor!! Billy was lovely and friendly and soo funny. And apparently, he used to be a book binder. I was getting my friend's 50th Anniversary edition of the Lord of the Rings signed for them, and he tells me it's very well made. Bloody well better be for $210!
And Colin Morgan was Seriously. Everytime I passed his autograph queue it was HUGE. Just a wall of people, curved on itself three times. I waited until around four thirty to go up for mine when there was hardly anyone there (and he had been signing on and off since ELEVEN AM) and he was so cheery! He shook my hand, and I pointed out that not a single one of the photos you could have signed had him smiling ('cause he has such a beautiful smiiiile) and he's shook his head like 'ugh, that's not cool!' And then:
Girl behind me: He's being all magical.
Colin: Yeah I'm focusing
Me: Can't you do happy magic?!
Colin: *deadpan, serious* No. Can't.
SO LOVELY YOU GUYS. And when I got my photo the next morning he must have had, I dunno, a bajillion camera flashes go off in his face and everyone who came in he was like 'Hi! What's your name? How's your day going?' ENDLESS BALL OF ADORABLE ENERGY.
And when I had my photo with Billy Boyd, three women went in ahead of me dressed as superheroes. So I walk in and am all
Me: Wow I feel really inadequate, I don't have a cape or anything
Billy: *laughs* Come on, you should at least have something!
So, yeah, I had a biiiiig nerdy weekend. Spent lots of nerdy money. I took a BAJILLION photos of Colin Morgan and Billy Boyd. Especially Colin, because we were only allowed photos for the first two minutes, but I was lucky enough to have an aisle seat, so I just sat my camera, unobtrusively, on my thigh with the lens angled up....And my new swanky camera has that feature where you hold down the button and it snaps continuous photos. So I have LOADS. Probably only with a split second between them, so I need to do some culling.
So, that was my weekend :)
actor: billy boyd,
rl: geekery,
actor: colin morgan