Title: Sealing the Deal
Episode: In My Time of Dying, missing scene
Rating: T for language
Genre: General/Humour
Summary: There was one aspect of the deal that John hadn’t counted on.
A/N: Okie dokie, here goes. This is my first entry on LJ and hopefully it's a good one. As my first entry, this fic is dedicated to savingfaith333 who convinced me to jump
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Comments 13
*hugs you*
So glad you jumped ship, as you say, sweetheart. I see a bright and shiny future for you here on the 'ole LJ.
Thanks so much for the comment!
Sam: So you know how demons usually seal deals with kisses, right?
Dean: Yeah...
Sam: And dad made a deal to save your life...
Dean: (pauses to think) Dude! That's gross! *throws pillow at Sammy because for some reason he's near a pillow*
And oh man, then a pillow fight ensues and I'm sure that's not where you were gonna go with it but apparently that's where I am right now. =D
...can I maybe incorporate it if I write a sequel? Please, I'll give credit to your awesomeness.
*sam eyes*
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