"Squee" post about the RMX-Command Mission game... feel free to skip it. :]

Jan 06, 2009 17:52

As the title says, this is nothing more and nothing less that a pointless, “squee” post about the Rockman fandom. So feel totally free to skip it. :) I’ve been playing (AT LAST!) with the game I got as a gift for my birthday (Rockman X Command Mission, as the title say); and even though I'd heard this game was not slashy in the least, reality is much different...

Okay, as you might remember from my previous "squee" post, X and Zero are separated early in the game. And, in the ten minutes they are apart, they call each other on the phone - I SWEAR - 15 times. At the very least. XD;; I guess they couldn't stay too long without hearing each other's voice, or else they'd go into withdrawal. *nods sagely* *knows her boys*. So, they check on each other every 30, 40 seconds or so.
          The last phone call (they're actually using radiotransmitters, but that's beyond the point...) is something along the lines of:
          "Where are you, Zero?"
          "In the room at the top of the tower."
          "...I'm... I'm there, too! I'm facing the door of that very room!"
          "Then come in, X. I'll be waiting here."
          ...now, these aren't the exact words. I don't remember the dialogue THAT well. This is just to give you a vague idea of how obsessed these two are with one another. *giggles* After hearing that Zero is just beyond the door, X barges inside, and is so delighted, but oh!so delighted to see him all right, you would think he forgot he's heard him on the radio less than ten seconds before. XD;; AH! the awesam powah of luv... *endless moe*

I think I also mentioned that, shortly after, they're separated again, during a fight... though, this time, there's a high chance Zero might have not made it alive. ;__; X reports this to his superiors, and his voice catches - you really can hear the pain he's suffering. X's superior, after hearing of Zero's fate, asks X how's feeling. And it might be an innocent question really, but it's worded in such a way, it made me think he's NOT inquiring whether X's been wounded in the battle, but rather he's asking how is he coping, being apart from his beloved Zero. *more and more moe*

BUT! (and this is the new part) We all know by now that Zero is unbeatable, invincible, and just CAN'T stay dead. After a few hours in the game, X is told by his superior that there's a signal coming from a secret base not too far from where they lost sight of Zero. They don't know to whom this signal belongs; but chances are that Zero is alive. X (and Neme, too) is positively DELIGHTED. He won't accept any other explanation other than that signal belongs to Zero. Zero is alive, and X cannot wait to be reunited with him, no matter how dangerous it will be to infiltrate the secret base mentioned above. He actually drags the rest of the characters with him to find Zero (some actually volunteer, and one of them, a rather blunt girl, says something about how they must hurry to get X's friend back (to him)). It's nice how they are all ready to help, guessing this "Zero" is very dear to X. (note: If you go gathering clues aronud the City before leaving for the secret enemy base, there will be a couple of people who will talk about an incredibly powerful Reploid that saved them. This reploid had a red armour, long golden hair, and - I quote a little kid in the game here - "was strong and very nice". That's Zero, no doubt!!!

X sprints inside the secret base and indeed - Zero is there. (the player sees him, but X doesn't). After a while, X meets not his dearly beloved Zero, but *drums roll* AXL! who's there on a quest of his own. The first thing - I swear - the first thing X asks him (after a :"what are YOU doin' here??") is: "HAVE YOU SEEN ZERO??", with eagerness clear in both his voice and posture. Axl answers that he hasn't seen  Zero; and X deflates in such a way, it's almost... moving. His shoulders sag, he curls in on himself, as though he's been stuck or his chest is hurting him, and murmurs: "I hope he's all right..." very softly. Hearing this, Axl starts trying to cheer him up, telling him that Zero is all right, he surely is, he's much too strong not to be all right, and that he'll help X look for him. ♥

As the player, I am shown that Zero  is engaged in battle with one of the main villains, and he's HOT LIKE YOU WOULDN'T BELIEVE. Or is it he's COOL as you wouldn't believe? Well, both. X>;; X rushes on towards the main room of the secret base, indered by various and annoying-as-hell enemies. EDIT: [ I forgot to mention: as X and his friends go, they stumble upon the bodies of many of their enemies, a real carnage. Axl is impressed, maybe scared by this show of power, but tries to play the brave. Cinnamon, the only other party member who reacts, feels bad for their enemies, saying she can do nothing to cure saber wounds. Axl reacts to the word "saber", and asks X if he thinks it might be ... X doesn't even let him finish. He cries out; "Yes, it must be! He's... He's alive!" and, well, that got me squealing too. That really is the only thing that counts for X, mh? To be reunited with Zero again. ♥]  Meanwhile, Zero has been brought to his knees by a blow. But as he kneels there, panting... X arrives.


There's a cut scene.
          Zero is kneeling there, panting, when, suddenly, there's a noise. He titls his head marginally and times slows - and I mean LITERALLY - when he catches a glimpse of X. 
          X, who is running towards him. 
          X, who's come to his rescue, rushes past him and puts himself between Zero and his opponent, with his buster charged and ready to shot. 
          ...notice that, when Axl also enters the scene, time resumes its normal flow. *DELIGHT*
          Now, I'm bursting with so much delight I don't remember if the player has to fight a battle during this cutscene, or not... I was just too busy squealing at the Redblue vibes to really notice anything else. XD;;; Either way, they dispose of the enemy, rather quickly too. X and Zero turn to look at one another, and just stand there, watching each other in silence, while their surroundings get blurry and out of focus, as though nothing else mattered at that moment but each other.
          ...and then Axl snaps them out of the trance - again, I mean it LITERALLY - saying that that's not the time nor place. XD;;;; Not that he's wrong, mind you. They really should focus more on the battle, and less on each other, at least if they wanted to get out of there alive. But he destroys such a pretty Kodak moment...! *must unlock scene so she can watch it again sometime*
          Time for another battle or two, these ones very hard. Or at least very long.
          X and Zero tell each other again (but in a less slashy, more comrade-in-arms manner) that they're glad to be together again. The two of them and Axl then start to walk out of the secret enemy base and back to their own. As they go, X very eagerly and very sweetly tells Zero he wants to introduce him to his new friends.
          You can imagine Zero's reaction to that, can't you? XD;; 
          ...exactly. He stops dead in his tracks, and glares with wide eyes at the back of an unsuspecting X, murmuring: "introductions...?". 
          You can all but SEE the jealous vibes coming from him in waves, really.
          And in fact, when they're back to the base, Zero is so jealous, but oh so jealous of these new people hanging around X, that he leaves in a huff. X runs after him, clings to his arm to stop him, and I swear: IF THAT WASN'T A LOVERS QUARREL, I DON'T KNOW WHAT IT WAS. *flails about, so filled with moe she's bursting with it, even has it as an halo around herself*.
           I can't convey the amount of "jealous lover" vibes Zero gave off. Nore can I convey the pretty! hurt! uke! vibes coming from X I mean, X was pretty hurt by his attitude: they have a fight with a capital "F", with Zero lashing out and X suffering in silence - thought it's easy to see that, under the anger, Zero's pretty hurt, too.
          In the end, Zero leaves again; X can do nothing but watch in silence, lowering his eyes to the ground and (I think?) clutching his chest..
          It's nice that all, and I mean ALL the people inside the base at this point have a word of comfort for X, if you go talk with them. They try to cheer him up, tell him to have faith, and such. They reassure him that Zero will be back, and all that. 
          ...which means that X is so shaken and hurt by Zero leaving, that everyone can perceive the "kicked puppy" vibes coming from him and just HAS to try and make him better. XD;;;;; *moemoemoe*

This is were I saved and switched off the console. I'm pretty angry at Zero for upsetting X but ehy! It's not often you see Zero THAT jealous. It's a show of just how much he cares, how much he considers X as being his and only his. And for that, I can forgive him his outburst. I only hope he comes back soon... ;___; X's feeling pretty dejected without him (as EVERYONE in the base noticed... uh, I woder what'll happen if I go to the City, now. Will they notice X's sorrow, too?)

*GRINS* I said it once, I'll say it twice: for a game that should've been the less slashy of the whole series, this surely is turning out to be a pretty-pretty slashy PEARL. XD;;

MOE ♥, ramblings, fandom:rockman

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