Title: Where the light dies
Pairings: Sehun/Luhan
Genre: dark, angst
Rating: PG
Warnings: character death
Length: 4.9k
Summary: Ever since Sehun was born he has been utterly terrified of the dark.But it's not the darkness he's really afraid of.
Sehun had never invited anyone to do anything with him. Ever. )
Comments 6
Luhan's love, fixation or whatever you call it ...for Sehun only bring pain to him.
Thanks for reading ^.^
dark luhan is just UMPH.
UGH. i feel bad for sehun though. i used to be scared of the dark too. maaaaaaybe you could write a short oneshot of how his life is like in hell? because omfg i'm so curious. flops into corner.
Thank you for reading ^.^
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