Quick Vote

Feb 21, 2006 06:32

As you may or may not be aware, I'm participating in the annual Beach-to-Bay relay marathon in May. My team is a rag-tag mix of strangers: the only thing we have in common is that we all know my coworker, Donny. However, we have to choose a team name, and I'd like your input. Here are some choices:
  • Spoofballs
  • Late Expectations
  • The Donninators
  • Spilled Beans
  • The Reticent Batons
  • The Under Dogs
  • Sand Slingers
  • Out of Sight, Out of Time
  • 1 Runner and Some Others
  • The Worst of Times
  • No, Seriously
Or, as Dan suggested (and this is probably the best one):
  • Marathon, Schmarathon*
Still, I'd like to hear your input. Please suggest all of the clever names you can come up with (foreign languages also accepted, however, only Spanish will probably be funny to the other competitors).

For your entertainment, a few names from last year:
  • 5 Squareheads and a Fruit Loop
  • Friggin E.D. Otts
  • Elusive Hydrocarbon Molecules, and
  • Beach to Beer

*I've been informed that the original spelling was incorrect. Thank you, "Anonymous," for pointing out my error. No, really. I mean it.
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