Satoshi Kon, the award winning epic anime director of such hits as Paprika, Tokyo Godfathers, & Perfect Blue, has announced his next film at the Tokyo International Anime Fair. Titled "Yume-Miru Kikai" (Dreaming Machine), the story this time around was promised by Kon to be kid-friendly. That's not to say that the movie will only be for kids, because with Kon's talent I'm sure audiences of all ages will enjoy his latest work. (Kind of like how Disney/Pixar movies are kid friendly, but adults usually love the films more then their kids do).
Separately, Madhouse also announced that up-and-coming director Mamoru Hosoda (Digimon, Girl Who Leapt Through Time) will be working on a brand new movie with them as well. All further information on the upcoming movie is unknown at this time. Madhouse will be the studio to work on both movies.