The classic Toonami series "Voltron: Defenders of the Universe" is coming back to TV. Starting this Monday, the anime series will be airing on Cartoon Network's sister channel for classic cartoons, Boomerang. It will be airing every weeknight at 10:30 (Eastern/Pacific) over the course of the next year. Of course if you can't wait for Monday, you can always check out bite-sized episodes on the
Minisode Network.
In other "old Toonami series moving to other channels" news, Adult Swim has asked their viewers if they'd be interested in seeing Genndy Tartakovsky's classic series
Samurai Jack on the late night block. AS is listening to their forum-goers to see if there is enough interest in running the program there. Personally I'm all for it. It'd be great to see such an amazing series on Adult Swim, proving how mature & ahead of its time the series really was. Cartoon Network had previously shown all the episodes on
Toonami Jetstream during its first year.