"Incarnate" comic artist Nick Simmons recently issued a statement acknowledging similarities between
his art & various Japanese manga, most notably Tite Kubo's Bleach. This time it's actually the real Nick Simmons talking as well, unlike the comments posted last time which were from an impostor.
You can basically call it a non-apology apology while he discusses "certain similarities" & describing them as an "homage." He admits to being a Bleach fan & even describes himself as being a manga-ka. & while he's sorry to those he's offended, he doesn't seem to feel he really did anything wrong. It were one thing of course if this were actually an homage, but this is just flat out stealing, copying, & tracing. You can read what he had to say below:
Like most artists I am inspired by work I admire. There are certain similarities between some of my work and the work of others. This was simply meant as an homage to artists I respect, and I definitely want to apologize to any Manga fans or fellow Manga artists who feel I went too far. My inspirations reflect the fact that certain fundamental imagery is common to all Manga. This is the nature of the medium.
I am a big fan of Bleach, as well as other Manga titles. And I am certainly sorry if anyone was offended or upset by what they perceive to be the similarity between my work and the work of artists that I admire and who inspire me.