
Jan 24, 2009 14:21

~As you can see below, I'm feeling more like my old self again. Just been sleeping and sleeping and the stress is abating.

I am slowly opening up my posts, picking and choosing. I locked down solely for 'information control', not to hide.

It seems there are some who are foolish enough to think their petty terrorism would drive me off LJ, maybe even off line. *raspberry* All that they have done is to renew my profound hatred of Trolls and my strong desire for a 'redress of grievances'.

I had actually drifted from all of that. Note how quiet we_love_nebris had gotten. But these recent events have showed me that unless I seriously hurt TC-2 et al, I shall never have any peace.

And many of you idiots have handed me a weapon to use against you...

I've seen how some have practically bounced up and down relating how pleased they were that Animal Control called them back to 'clarify' matters. I checked with my neighbors who had called AC last year about the poor crippled dog next door. None of us ever got a callback from AC.

What they were really doing is investigating the callers, not us. One knucklehead in frickin' Michigan even chirped about Mr Shaw asking them 'if they had seen this on a website'! Were you also asked if you had ever personally seen the animal or been inside of this house?

Do you think AC are fools? They deal with crazies all the time. The law forced them to come out here and also forced AC officer to issue a 48 hour notice, and that only because I did not lie to him. But the AC officer was sympathetic and listened to what I had to say.

So now, there are about twenty or so names with phone numbers, e-mail and snail mail addresses on file with AC, information that will soon go into our open FBI file. Note that Auntie declined to call. She may be an *insert expletive of choice* but it seems she is not stupid.

But several of you clowns are...and now you get your own FBI files. If some act of vandalism or violence takes place here, it is you who will be suspect.

“But we're don't even live in your state!” you might wail. Well, guys, that did not seem to matter before.

And I've dealt with the FBI before all this and I can tell you for an absolute fact that they do not have a big sense of humor. el oh el
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