Till tut

Oct 17, 2006 00:21

I think it's time for a new icon tut, don't you? lol

Going from this
to this

Made is PSP8. Translatable.

1. Sharpen your base as needed.

2. Duplicate your base once. Set the duplicate to softlight.

3. Add this texture by rainharbour and set to soft light, 100%

4. Add this texture (by ?) and set to screen, 80%

5. Duplicate the base, bring it to the top and set to soft light, 60%

6. Create a Curves adjustment layer.
Pt 1: 85, 70
Pt 2: 172, 191

7. Create a new layer and fill with #94CEF6. Set to burn, 30%

8. Add this texture (by colorfilter) and set to overlay, 100%

9. Add this slightly modified texture (I believe by weapon_icons) and set to screen, 80%

10. I added this brush (by ?) in black and set it to burn, 50%. I also added a tiny text brush with the same settings.

tutorial, rammstein

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