The end is all I can see (Juliet); pg

Feb 17, 2009 17:24

Title: The end is all I can see
Rating: pg I guess...
Character(s): Juliet (slightly Juliet/Sawyer or Juliet/Ben if you want to)
Word counting: 397
Disclaimer: Lost isn't mine.
Spoilers: Until 5x05.
Summary: There's a flash of light and when it's over you only see shades of green and brown.
A/N: Title from Muse's 'Thoughts of a dying atheist'.

You don't need to see the crimson on your fingers or taste the sticky salty liquid on your lips. )

fanfic, character: juliet burke, tv: lost, !for the world to see

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Comments 16

not_as_we February 17 2009, 18:22:52 UTC
you killed juliet :O

this is beautifully and wonderfully written, and (unfortunately) completely believable. ♥


neated February 18 2009, 15:15:14 UTC
I did... I actually didn't want too, but it just fit better.

Thank you so much hun.


phelipa February 17 2009, 19:35:06 UTC
Oh Yay!! You posted it :D

Your writing is wonderful! I love your style and you captured Juliet very well (although I'm sad that she died - I'm hoping O6 get back to the island before that happens *fingers crossed*). Great job, I hope you write more of Juliet :)


neated February 18 2009, 15:16:12 UTC
Thank you so much sweetie. I'm glad you found it good.

They have too. I mean Lost without Jules... No way!


eggb4thechicken February 17 2009, 22:41:03 UTC
:O Love this. I really REALLY hope it doesn't happen though. xD


neated February 18 2009, 15:16:44 UTC
Thanks hun. I don't want this to happen either.


eleblack February 18 2009, 08:26:23 UTC
ç___________ç Beautiful. And I'm gonna listen more carefully to "Thoughts of a dying atheist" to get the words.
But I hope this moment (Juliet's death) is never gonna come ç_ç


neated February 18 2009, 15:17:57 UTC
Thanks bb. That is such a great song. I think it's more fitting for Jack, but the title works for Juliet so well.

I hope so too. If it does, someone (ME!!!) will be really pissed.


whatismuch February 19 2009, 23:45:11 UTC
Loved this as much as I hope to never see it happen in canon - which is, A LOT. :)
The style is great, thanks for sharing!


neated February 20 2009, 16:04:46 UTC
Thank you so much. This really means a lot to me.


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