Title: Dragon's Fire
Chapter: 4
Summary: Kurt spies a dragon on the edge of his village. He doesn't quite catch how taken the dragon is with him.
Rating: R
Warnings: Dub-con, talk of non-con
Word Count: 6,869
A/N: Whoa, this took forever. But now I actually have the whole story outlined so it should be better from this point onward.
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Comments 14
And what a wonderful chapter it was. <3 I'm in love with Soja, he's so adorable and I love Kurt's human-pet relationship with him. But Blaine's ominous line of how Soja would die soon anyway left me sad. =O Why will Soja die soon? Can't he live longer now that Kurt will take care of him? (Or did Blaine mean that Soja would die soon in comparison to the hundreds of years dragons seem to live?)
As always I love the world-building you're doing here, how imaginative and detailed everything is, from what they eat to the hot springs to Soja's description to the dragon-scale-in-mate ritual to the lovely origin story. It's really entertaining and fascinating to read, and keeps me engaged and hanging on your every word; I love getting to explore new worlds through fiction. <3 ( ... )
Soja is safe I promise. What Blaine meant was that left alone with his peers Soja would get killed. So because Kurt took him in, he'll be fine. I have plans for Soja, so no worries there.
And yes, that was Mr. Schue there at the end. As for the Fae blood, I want to keep that a secret for now.
But I loved writing the hot spring scene. I just kept imagining him being like 'I want to leave!' and 'But the water feels so nice...'
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