Heroes Fic--With You

Apr 12, 2010 21:47

Title: With You

Summay: Peter has a plan about what turns Sylar on.

Pairing: Sylar/Peter

Rating: M, mostly for language though.

A/N: Not a part of Settled World Verse. This is an extended drabble I did for the Drabble-a-Thon for the Sylar_Peter community. The original drabble prompt was 'with'. Link to all 15 original drabbles: neaislove.livejournal.com/22932.html

This one's for you Lornrocks and blishfan! ><
And speaking of blishfan, she made me some wonderful art for this fic. Check it out img687.imageshack.us/img687/277/suspenders.jpg

Peter's POV

After dancing around the subject of friends, or friends with benefits, or something else, I started to notice more and more of his personal style. There was just something old about it. It didn't really seem like he was pulling from one decade, more like he got stuck in ruts, in fads, and couldn't let go. I thought for sure I had something...I don't know, some substantial grasp on his tastes.

He likes old fashioned things. Things like gramophones and clawfooted bathtubs. He likes sweater vests and ridiculously bulky black frame glasses. He actually owns a pair of brouges, that's something my dad would have worn as a teen. He slaves over antique time pieces and wind up watches when everyone else in the world has switched to digital. I swear, sometimes it's like watching an old movie character cross my living room.

So I devised a brilliant plan. I pulled on a crisp white button up shirt and tucked it into pressed black slacks. Next I fastened on a black bowtie and pulled on some old black suspenders. It came down as two straps in the front, but joined as one in the back at a leather diamond. I stuck my thumbs under the elastic and smoothed it down the front, then let it snap back. Next I pulled on my dress shoes and made my way to the living room.

There, on a red wingback chair, sat Sylar. He was reading through "Pillars of the Earth" again, totally engrossed. I tried to be as quite as possible in my approach, worried that I would let him on too early. I licked my lips and edged my way around the back of his chair, running my fingertips along its back. I lean my head in and kiss Sylar's temple as I gently pull the novel from his grasp. He lets out an indignant huff but doesn't protest. Too easy, I'm humming in approval as I slink into his lap and loop my arms around his neck.

Sylar presses his nose to my temple before sliding it down and pressing his cheek to mine.


I turn my head and press my lips softly to the shell of his ear.

"Will you go with me?"

Silence, then, laughter. Blatant, body shaking laughter. I jerk back and give him a petulant stare. This was totally uncalled for! Here I am trying to be romantic and take things a step further and he's, he's....snorting! SNORTING! I struggle out of his grasp and stand in front of him, anger set on my face.

"You asshole!"

Sylar's snorts die down to gasping chuckles and still, he's looking up at me like I'm foolish. I just wanted to make him happy. Why doesn't he get that?

"P..ha...Peter, that was...that was..."

"I was trying to be romantic Sylar! I was trying to tell you that I wanted something! But you have to be all--ALL...ahhh! You are an ass!"

I turn on my heal and head for the bedroom.

"Peter I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I"M SORRY! You say it so much it's lost meaning!" I turn back to him and shove him away, my nails digging briefly into his chest. "Don't be sorry! Just stop doing--"

"Whatever it is that makes me have to apologize?"

And just like that, he's taken all my steam. He doesn't look smug, or condescending, he actually looks sorry. I huff one last time and drop my chin to my chest. Soon enough I feel strong warm arms wrap around my middle and pull me close.

"I'll go with you."

I slid my eyes shut as I feel his fingers slip under the suspenders and glide down. Together we pull the clips off the hem of my pants, and all to soon he's with me on the bed. Then the two of us tangled up together gasping out cheesy one liners that haven't been popular in decades.

sylar, petlar, peter

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