Teen *Headdesk* - Cast Introductions

Jun 17, 2008 12:55

I'm having way too much fun watching the current crop of teens.  Every time they get together there's potential for havoc and mayhem.  There seems to be a concentrated effort being made to pass along the first kiss so that no one feels left out.  Crushes are flying left and right but so far no ones gotten burned.  I'm sure that will change eventually, I'm really just waiting for the real drama to begin. University is going to be so much fun with this crew.

The Cast of Teen *Headdesk*

Ferdinand 'Ferdie' Familiar
Ferdie is a Fortune Seeking Taurus
Ferdie is the youngest son of Aldric and Emma Familiar
The generation seven spare, Ferdie has been in his brother's shadow.  He has big plans for the future though so look for him to step forward a bit.
Ferdie wants to build things, he's going to be a City Planner

Eustace Nova
Eustace is a Pleasure Seeking Cancer
Eustace is the youngest child and only son of Dane (Young) and Denise Nova
One of spare Ferdie's best buddies Eustace sports his father's blank stare and his Grandfather's negative chin.
Like so many before him Eustace is seeking lots of dreams dates, he wants 50.

Eagle Langerak
Eagle is a Romancing Sagittarian
Eagle is the youngest son of Ted and Eva (Familiar) Langerak
Eagle has spent most of his life being tormented by his elder brothers.  He has an aura of fragility that's hard to resist.
Eagle is going to attempt to fight his shyness and be a Prestidigitator.

Edda Dreamer
Edda is a Pleasure Seeking Gemini
Edda is the youngest child of Durin (Familiar) and Didi Dreamer
Edda's a dance machine, if the music is playing you better be dancing.
Edda is adventurous enough to want to be a Space Pirate.

Everett Familiar
Everett is a Fortune minded Sagittarian
Everett is the only child of Delilah Familiar and Donovan London
The illegitimate oopsy of two Romancers, Everett has had an interesting upbringing.  Little pitchers have big eyes, Everett may just make his fortune by dealing in black mail.
Everett is seeking big bucks he wants to earn at least $100,000

Edge Simson
Edge is a Pleasure Seeking Libra
Edge is the youngest child and only son of Mike and Dorthea (Indie) Simson
His sisters are polar opposites of each other personality wise and Edge falls somewhere in between. 
As outgoing and nice as Edge is getting 50 first dates shouldn't be too difficult.

Erin Nova
 Erin is a Pleasure Seeking Gemini
Erin is the youngest child of Dallan (Familiar) and Delphine Nova
She sports her Aunt's hairstyle with her mother's flair for heir dye.  This naked hot tubbing couch jumper is the most extreme of the Nova children.
Erin wants to fly high as a Captain Hero

Emerald Indie
Emerald is a Saggitarian Family Sim
Emerald is the youngest child and only daughter of Deacon (Familiar) and Dandelion Indie
Her niceness and playfulness often over shadow the fact that this tub pirate is extremely shy.
Emerald wants to have three children get a higher education.

Barnabas Familiar
Barnabas is a Scorpio Family Sim
Barnabas is the youngest child of Bob and Sierra Familiar
Like all of Bob and Sierra's kids Barnabas is very serious minded.  The baby of the family he's a bit on the spoiled and wild side.
Barnabas wants to be a Space Pirate

I'll update this list as more kids join in the fun and games.

teen headdesk, cousins

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